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How to Look Elegant on a Zoom Meeting

By Stephen Hadley April 05, 2021 Beauty

Meetings, lunches, paint nights, parties… there’s so much happening on Zoom these days. And while it’s wonderful to be able to connect with friends and family virtually, there are drawbacks too. Honestly, who enjoys staring at themselves during a Zoom meeting? (That’s right, no one.)

Feel like it’s hard to look your best on screen? You’re not alone. Achieving a confident look is challenging enough when you’re not also dealing with the technical aspects of a video chat. But don’t give up! With a little effort, you can look elegant on every Zoom call.

Little Details, Big Difference

Since Zoom calls happen at home, it can be hard to motivate yourself to dress up. Why not just stay in your pajamas? Or just throw a jacket over whatever house clothes you have on?

Here’s why: you will feel so much better about your appearance and radiate elegance just by adding a few fashionable touches to your on-screen look. Here are some little details that are worth putting bit of effort into:

  • A colorful necklace and bracelet combo.
  • An understated gold necklace and pendant.
  • A patterned scarf or headband.

These are the simple touches that step your outfit up from “acceptable” to “wow.” Think it’s silly to accessorize on Zoom? No way! You’ll elevate your look and impress in all the right ways.

Stand Out with a Splash of Color

When you’re at home, you can get into a style rut. The same colors. The same silhouettes. The same old everything. But when you add a splash of color to your look – especially on screen – you stand out and feel great.

This doesn’t have to be a major overhaul of your wardrobe. If you generally stick to neutrals and understated hues, no problem. But adding hints and flourishes of color still gives you an elegant pop in your little Zoom box. Here’s how to do it:

Creative Patterns

A top, cardigan, or cover-up featuring a unique pattern will draw in the eye when you’re chatting with friends, family, or colleagues on a video call.

Black, but Bold

You can stick to neutrals while adding a bold touch that complements your look. This jacket is a great example – it’s black, but the purple trim and jewel-toned flourishes take your attire from simple to standout.

Lighting and Camera Angles Matter

An elegant outfit can be ruined by bad lighting and camera shots. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a video production pro to get it right. A few simple rules of thumb will ensure you’re always looking your best when you log on to a video chat:

Light Source in Front of (Not Behind) You

Whether it’s an open window or a ring of light, placing your light source in front of you makes all the difference. When your lighting is behind you, it tends to darken your face and hide your features. You might have to rearrange your desk a little to achieve the right angle of light, but don’t worry what it looks like behind the scenes. All that matters is you look amazing on screen.

Natural or Artificial Light, Not Both

Clothing colors and skin tones look odd when you mix warm and cool light sources. It won’t look good if you’ve got an open window plus a light bulb on you. Stick to one or the other so your elegant attire (and winning smile) get all the right attention.

Camera at Eye Level or Just Above

Elevate your laptop, tablet or phone camera so it’s at eye level with you. That way you’re looking directly at the camera – not up towards it in an unflattering angle that also features your ceiling as the background.

Mind Your Surroundings

You put a lot of effort into your elegant Zoom event outfit. That’s where you want everyone’s attention to be – not on what’s going on in the background of your shot. So before you log on to your video call, make sure your surroundings are as elegant as your outfit.

This might mean straightening up the room a bit, organizing a shelf, or moving to a different place. Distractions like people walking around behind you or a view of half your house will detract from your otherwise splendid outfit.

Yes, Video Calls Can Be Elegant!

Don’t give up on looking posh when you get on a Zoom call. With a little preparation and effort, you’ll stand out for all the right reasons. You have a beautiful, elegant wardrobe just waiting to be shown off on the screen. Enjoy every call looking your best – you deserve it!

How do you make your outfits sparkle on Zoom meetings? Do you put extra effort or do you prefer to stay in your PJs? What extra do you do? Please share your tips with the community!

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The Author

Stephen Hadley, founder of Generous Fashions, has been exclusively creating plus size clothing for women (XL to 4X) since 2002. He designs fabric and garments for and his Etsy shop, which offers Sixty and Me readers a 10% discount here Sign up for the Generous Fashions newsletter for new arrivals and member discounts.

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