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5 Actionable Approaches to Gain the Upper Hand Over Loneliness

By Michelle Hill December 23, 2023 Mindset

As part of humanity, we all experience loneliness occasionally. I know I have. When I was first divorced in 2000 and found myself spending major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas alone for the first time, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I remember the first time I set up my own little Christmas tree in my first apartment at 43 and lifted ornaments from a box with my children’s pictures from years gone by, I cried. My daughter was wayward by that time, and my son was living with his father and his father’s mother – the perfect storm.

I turned on myself.

Thoughts of what did I do to deserve this, and I just wasn’t good enough to keep things together, danced their dirty dance in my brain. They taunted me. They poured fuel on the fire of self-blame and disgust.

The sense of loneliness was almost overwhelming, and I wanted to throw a lavish pity party complete with party favors crafted to look like guilt and shame. But I found that I was the only one attending and it was no fun at all.

Understanding Why We Might Feel Lonely

Loneliness is more than just the absence of company; it’s a complex emotional state that can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health. Whether our feelings of loneliness stem from retirement, an empty nest, divorce, death of family and/or friends, or simply overwhelming feelings of isolation and feeling invisible, the impact of loneliness can wreak havoc in a variety of ways.

I’m here to tell you that you can triumph over loneliness! Sometimes it involves winning an internal fight, sometimes it’s sweeping out the cobwebs of resentment, and sometimes it’s a gentle movement of emotions.

Here Are My Favorite Five Approaches to Gain the Upper Hand Over Loneliness

1. Find Your Happy Place

I look back on my early days of aloneness, wondering why I allowed myself to wallow instead of taking intentional action. What I do now during holidays or other trigger times is engage in “happy place” activities like cooking 5-star meals for myself and actively involve myself in things that bring me joy like going to the gym or reading my favorite personal development books, or binge watching The Office, Andy Griffith, or I Love Lucy.

These are my happy places, and I’m guessing you have activities that move you into your happy place, too. Perhaps it’s being out in your garden tending to your plants or vegetables. Or maybe you love to go for long nature walks or paint or create something on an online platform like Canva.

2. Join Community Groups

Embracing community involvement can be a powerful antidote to loneliness. We can explore local clubs for women over 60 or engage in volunteer opportunities where we can connect with like-minded individuals. This not only provides a chance to make new friends but also fosters a sense of purpose and belonging. We are often the wisdom in the room!

3. Embrace Technology… or Not

In the digital age, technology offers incredible opportunities for staying connected. Women can join online communities, participate in virtual classes, or engage in video calls with friends and family. Platforms like Zoom and social media can bridge the gap, allowing for meaningful connections irrespective of physical distances.

I’ve enjoyed many Zooms with my Nigerian pastor friend living in the UK, although I must confess that it messes with my ears to hear his Nigerian accent and then he’ll include his grown children who have very pronounced British accents. I love that in today’s digital climate we can literally talk and “see” people from around the globe.

Conversely, we may need a time-out from technology. After all, we are bombarded by tweets, buzzes, dings, and dongs on our phone. It may seem counterintuitive to cut yourself off from the online world when you’re experiencing loneliness, but quiet nature walks or finding a swinging park bench to swing like a kid while you collect your thoughts can be wildly helpful in connecting you to Someone larger than yourself.

4. Explore New Hobbies

Nothing combats loneliness like exploring new hobbies and interests with others who like those same things. Sites like and or even provide opportunities to explore events for people with mutual interests. Engaging in activities that bring joy not only fills time but also opens avenues to meet new people. Whether it’s learning a musical instrument, joining a book club, or taking up a creative pursuit, these endeavors can be fulfilling and socially enriching.

5. Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

Quality over quantity is essential when combating loneliness. It’s emotionally healthy for women over 60 to invest time and energy in nurturing existing relationships and building new, meaningful connections. This could involve reaching out to old friends, attending social events, reunions, or participating in group activities that align with personal interests.

Create a Fulfilling, Enriching Life You Love

By adopting these five approaches, you can create a fulfilling and enriching life that you love. Finding your happy place, joining community groups, embracing technology, exploring new hobbies, and cultivating meaningful relationships are powerful tools to gain the upper hand on loneliness.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

In what ways have you personally experienced loneliness, and what approaches have you found effective in combating it? Reflecting on your relationships, how have you cultivated meaningful connections, and what advice would you give to others seeking to do the same?

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My two closest friends passed away in the past 4 years. They were both in their 50’s. Very hard to take. I moved, thinking I could start a new life.. which I did, but it was a lonely life. Very isolated and sad. I just moved again (back much closer to where i was originally) but am still alone and very lonely. I miss having friends, people to take walks with, workout with, laugh with and visit.

Michelle Hill

Oh my, you have indeed experienced some significant loss in the past four years! I’m so sorry as I know that it leaves a gap in your heart. Since you recently moved back to more familiarity, maybe you could join a few groups like or to find people who have similar interests as you.

In today’s world, and at our age, it does seem more difficult to make strong, lasting friendships, but it’s not impossible. It does take time to forge new relationships and most are set in their ways. Often, the way to really get out there is to volunteer at organizations that light your fire.

Do you have a heart for the homeless, recovery homes, transition or halfway houses for female inmates transitioning into life after prison, a food bank, Arthritis Foundation or other health-related cause, or a community music program? There are so many opportunities where non-profits need volunteers! As you volunteer, you’ll meet new people and perhaps a few of them will become friends.

All I know is that I’ve felt the sting of loneliness and I’ve also felt the zing of hopefulness as I’ve gone outside my comfort zone to meet new people.


My two closest friends , two men that I have known for decades , (BTW they were always platonic friends, they are not exes) probably won’t be around much longer and that scares me. One friend, due to his advanced age, and the other is kind of already gone because of his Alzheimer’s. Even if making new friends was easier, you can’t replace friends you had for 40 years.

Michelle Hill

I can totally relate to your response, Jan! I have three platonic male friends who I’ve known for 20+ years and who I consider to be confidants and inner-circle friends. You hit it right in the bullseye – you CANNOT replace long-time special friends!!

I get the “scared” part as the loss will leave a huge gap in your life. But that’s not to say you won’t make new friends who are different in nature but still as significant.

We don’t have the luxury of making 40+ years of friendships at this stage of the game but we can re-imagine how future friendships will look. There’s what I call a “comfortable closeness” in long-term friendships and that’s not built overnight.

I always recommend Dr. John Delony’s Questions for Humans cards as conversation starters when you’re around new people. There are multiple editions for every situation and they open up dialogue as you’re getting to know new friends.


All my friends at any given time were from my various activities. When I was heavy into Jazzercise, my social life grew from all of those I met with several times a week in classes.

That switched to Zumba, and voila, all my social activities were from friends met through Zumba, which continues to this day.

When I became a caregiver for my husband, who was going through pancreatic cancer treatments, I turned to my small urban church. I now attend a small group of women who meet weekly for dinner in a safe environment and share what is happening in our lives in a place of trust. Our church does a lot of community outreach, which I enjoy helping with, and I also serve on weekends as a greeter. I have met so many people, young to older, as a greeter and through our community outreach.

2024 I plan to volunteer more in our community, it needs help.

Michelle Hill

Thank you for your reply, Deb! My church is my extended family so I totally get how you find community by serving alongside others. When you said you are a greeter it resonated with me as that’s my favorite role. You must have the gift of hospitality!

My church has a large recovery group called Recovery Alive that I’ll be serving in for the first time in 2024. I’ve never been addicted to anything but people are saying it’s for everyone who needs community and they need help in the kitchen with prep, serving, and cleaning up; right up my alley.

I honor you for sharing your personal ways for staying in community with people. I know that those who read this will find massive inspiration in your words…and intentional actions.

The Author

Michelle Hill is a Relationship Deception Recovery Mentor specializing in helping women reach healing and wholeness after relationship deception. She is also the author of 5 books, including The Heart Swindler-Reclaim Your Heart and Stop Falling for Liars, Losers, and Lunatics, and two award-winning children’s books.

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