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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

11 years ago

4 Destructive Loans to Avoid in Retirement

Women over 60 are often trying to take care of so many people in our lives – we give of ourselves, our time, our talents, and our money. Whether that means buying gifts for grandchildren, supporting a spouse who might have lost a job, or even supporting grown children who have trouble finding a job or affording a house, many women over 60 are generous to the point that we forget to look out for ourselves first. Read More

11 years ago

Want to Tell Your Story Effectively? A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A few years ago, while I was working for a large corporation, I was asked to prepare a presentation on the concept of “trust” in selling. At best, I knew that I would only have a few seconds to capture the audience’s attention. So, I decided to take a highly visual approach to get my message across. I wanted a presentation filled with powerful images that would allow the audience to feel my message before they thought about it. Read More

11 years ago

Financial Independence After 60: Make a Budget and Earn More Money (Video)

In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I spoke with the dynamic Chellie Campbell, on a topic that weaves its way into our lives every day and elicits every emotion from fear to elation – money! Read More

11 years ago

Jobs After Retirement: Explore These 6 Fascinating Options

Change is the only constant in our lives. Fortunately, in most situations, as one door closes, another one opens. This is also very true of our careers, which change many times throughout our workings lives. By the time we reach our 60s, we have a pretty good grasp of who we are, what’s important to us, and what brings us joy. Read More

12 years ago

Lost Your Job? Don’t Panic. Here’s How to Restart Your Career After 50

Losing a job is always stressful. Many women over 60 have had careers filled with brilliant highs and terrifying lows, failures mixed with glowing achievements and recognition. But today, the impermanence of the workplace doesn’t linger on the positive but pushes employers and employees into a less connected and committed relationship. Read More

12 years ago

6 Unusual Ways to Make Money in Retirement

We are a lucky generation. We just happen to be living at a time when longevity has created a new life stage that cultural anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson calls the Age of Active Wisdom, or Adulthood II. Read More

12 years ago

Get More from Life After Retirement by Using the Power of Sharing

If you are thinking about life after retirement, you may be wondering how you will live on a fixed income for the next 20-30 years. Of course, one option is to continue to work, at least part time. But, for many people, this simply isn’t possible. So, today, I want to share an alternative suggestion with you. I want to explain how you can spend less and earn more in retirement by taking advantage of one of the oldest human behaviors – sharing. Read More