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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

10 years ago

3 Reasons it’s Time to Rethink Retirement

When you think of the word “retirement,” what images come into your mind? If we are to believe the movies, retirement is a time of relaxation and recreation. It is our reward for a life of hard work. It is a time for us to “age gracefully.” There’s a problem though – actually several problems. Read More

10 years ago

Want to Start a Business After 60? Ask Yourself these 6 Questions First!

Women over 60 have a strong independent streak. When we were younger, we used the word “freedom” in a carefree way. It defined a lifestyle. We were free to wear bohemian clothes, free to travel cross country or to choose unconventional lifestyles. Read More

10 years ago

Thinking About a New Career After 60? Maybe it’s Time to Start a Company Instead

As a young woman, I thought that the path to success in life was simple — invest in a great education, land a fabulous job in my chosen field and work obsessively to get ahead. Along the way, I hoped to find true love, raise a family, buy a house and travel the world. Climbing the corporate ladder, I measured my accomplishments by the new words in my job title. The elusive “glass ceiling” always shimmered in the distance, promising astounding rewards for my hard work. All I had to do was stay focused and do my job well. Read More

10 years ago

Why Downsizing in Retirement May Make You Happier – Dr. Dale Atkins (Video)

Whether you are considering downsizing in retirement or just looking for ways to simplify your life, this episode of the Sixty and Me Show is for you!

In this episode of the show, I speak with Dr. Dale Atkins, a well-known psychologist and relationship expert. Her focus in on families, aging well, managing stress and achieving balance in life. Read More

11 years ago

Managing Your Money in Retirement Takes Creativity and Courage

Many women reaching their 60s today are not prepared financially for retirement. After years of hard work, building our careers and supporting our families, the idea of “retirement” seems a distant dream. Read More

11 years ago

Where’s the Financial Support for Older Entrepreneurs? Could Microfinance Help?

In a recent US Senate hearing, Elizabeth Isele, co-founder of Senior Entrepreneurship Works and Conchy Bretos, the CEO of MIA Senior Living Solutions  outlined the opportunities and challenges facing older entrepreneurs. Presenting to a panel of senators and government officials, they explained that small businesses provide huge value to the economy. They also revealed that, in fact, individuals between 55 and 64 make up the largest percentage of new small business owners. Read More

11 years ago

Useful Resources to Help You Make Money After Retirement

Nancy Collamer is my guest on this latest episode the Sixty and Me Show. Nancy is a well-known career coach and author of a book called “Second Act Careers: 50 Ways to Profit from Your Passions in Semi-Retirement.” As a blogger for Next Avenue and Forbes, she writes about issues facing older women in “semi-retirement”. Read More

11 years ago

Flexible Jobs for Women Over 60 (Video)

My guest on this latest episode of the Sixty and Me Show is Nancy Collamer, a blogger for Next Avenue and Forbes and loves helping boomer women to shape profitable and exiting careers in semi-retirement. Read More

11 years ago

How to be a Freelance Writer and Find Online Writing Jobs After 60 (Video)

If anyone knows how to be a freelance writer, it’s professional writer, Ben Gran, my guest on this episode of the Sixty and Me Show. Many women over 60 find themselves without a job, either by choice or as a result of forced retirement or redundancy. Read More

11 years ago

Wondering What to Do in Retirement? Start with Your Passions (Video)

Are you planning to make the transition from a full time career to retirement? In this latest episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I speak with Nancy Collamer, a dynamic career coach and blogger for Forbes and Next Avenue.  Read More