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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

10 years ago

We’re Looking at Retirement Planning All Wrong and People Are Going to Get Hurt

What is retirement planning? It’s a simple question, right? Doesn’t everyone know that getting ready for retirement is all about putting enough money away so that we can live comfortably on our investments? At least, that’s what we have been told. For decades, our employers have reminded us to max out our 401K. Read More

10 years ago

Advice for Living on a Pension from the Sixty and Me Community

People reaching retirement age today are under huge financial pressure. Since, on average, we will live longer than any previous generation, our savings will need to last decades. In addition, many of us find ourselves in the position of looking after our aging parents, while living on a pension. Read More

10 years ago

How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 2): Finding Your Idea

When I asked the 44,000 members of the Sixty and Me community what was preventing them from starting a business, by far the most common response was “I don’t have a business idea.” As I mentioned in part 1 of this series, the first step to take when starting a business is to examine your own strengths. But, what next? Read More

10 years ago

How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 1): Finding Your Strengths

Most people think that successful businesses start with an idea. They don’t. Successful businesses start with a person. More specifically, they begin when a person recognizes his or her unique talents and sets out to improve the lives of others.

If this seems obvious, think about the number of people who never start a business because they “can’t think of an idea” or “don’t know where to start.” Many of these people could become successful freelancers, small business owners or entrepreneurs, if they examined themselves before looking for ideas. Read More

10 years ago

Are Aging Stereotypes Stopping You from Starting a Business?

Does the way we think about words like “retirement” and “bingo” change our behavior? Could aging stereotypes even have an impact on how many of us decide to start a business after 50?

According to a 1996 study by John Bargh, and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, there is reason to believe that they do. As a result, it is more important than ever for us to redefine retirement and provide positive examples for each other of what we can accomplish in our 50s, 60s and beyond. Read More

10 years ago

Starting a Business After 60? Why “Doing What You Love” Isn’t Enough

People like simple explanations to difficult problems. We know that relationships are complicated but we like to believe that “love conquers all.” We understand that starting a business requires passion, discipline, value creation and luck, but, it’s so much more pleasant to believe that if you “do what you love the money will follow.”

The problem is that half-truths are often more destructive than lies. They wrap our desires in a warm blanket of believability and prevent us from making rational choices. Nowhere is this truer than in the myth of the successful hobby-business. Read More

10 years ago

5 Secrets to Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer

When you think about being a freelance writer, what images come to mind? Do you imagine yourself, sitting on a beach, the sun setting behind your laptop as you put the final touches on an article for a client 4000 miles away?

In many ways, freelance writing sounds like the ultimate part-time job for people approaching, or already enjoying, retirement. It’s flexible, in demand and easy to get started with. Unfortunately, these very factors also make freelance writing highly competitive. Read More

10 years ago

4 Ways Older Entrepreneurs Can Win Against Their Younger Counterparts

When I told my friends and family that I was quitting my marketing job at a well-respected global company to start Sixty and Me, I was greeted with confused looks. After all, at age 64, I was supposed to be “winding down” and preparing for retirement.

Like the thousands of older entrepreneurs that start a business in their 50s, 60s or beyond, I didn’t see it that way. With 20 to 30 years ahead of me, I wanted to fill my remaining years with new adventures and valuable work. Now, with Sixty and Me growing and changing lives, I’m glad I did. At the same time, my experience raises some important questions. Read More

10 years ago

Removing Mental Blocks to Starting a Small Business After 50

Since starting Sixty and Me, I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with 100’s of talented, passionate older people. Many members of the community have the skills and experience to supplement their income in retirement – either as freelancers or business owners. So, I often wonder, why is it that so few men and women of my generation set out to supplement their income as they approach, or enter, retirement?

The conclusion that I have come to is that most people allow their own mental blocks to prevent them from having the lifestyle that they want. Read More

10 years ago

4 Ways to Make Extra Money from Your Passions After 50

In recent years, it has become trendy for life coaches, self-improvement gurus and financial planners to tell us to “make money from what we love doing.” There’s only one problem. They never actually tell you how to do it! In addition, for most of our lives, we are so busy living that finding the time to build a side business around our passions is a distant dream. If you’re in your 50s or 60s, now may be the perfect time to give it a shot. Read More