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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

11 months ago

5 Things NOT to Do When Starting a Business After 60

Despite my long career in business, I suffered a major case of entrepreneurial amnesia. All the good advice I gave clients during my 35-year business career flew out the window when I started my own business. Let me prevent you…

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11 months ago

Have You Wondered Where You Can Invest? Let’s Look at the Options

Do you want to know your options for investing to reach your long-term goals? Remember that investing is only appropriate if your living expenses are covered, your debt is under control, and you have built an emergency fund. After that it may be time…

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11 months ago

Giving Your Money Away (To Your Kids)

I have just handed a small fortune to my offspring to help them to buy properties and, in one case, to contribute towards IVF treatment. We all do it, if we are in a position to, of course. My mother was the same: she was generous to me…

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11 months ago

Are You a Failed Retiree? Check Out These 5 Fun and Profitable Business Ideas

Oh, blissful retirement! Is it a reality or is it a myth? You planned it all out – endless vacations, hobbies you finally have time for, and no alarms ringing at the crack of dawn. And voila! You finally retire! But instead of relaxation and joy, you find restlessness…

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11 months ago

8 In-Demand Work-from-Home Online Jobs for Older Women

There are many in-demand work-from-home online jobs that are suitable for older women. These jobs often offer flexibility and the ability to work remotely. Remember to explore each option further, consider your skills and interests…

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12 months ago

7 Qualities of a Good Entrepreneur That Will Help You Start a Business in Retirement

In a previous blog, I offered some points to consider when you decide to become an entrepreneur in retirement. This time I would like to look at the qualities that make a successful entrepreneur. It is not a failsafe guarantee…

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12 months ago

7 Useful Networking Groups for Women Over 60

In many ways, networking was simpler before computers and the Internet. We met like-minded people face to face, and job hunting involved a personal exchange with a recruiter. Remember paper resumes? We joined interest groups and shared…

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12 months ago

8 Ways to Declare Your Financial Freedom When the Clock Strikes 55

Ladies, as we celebrated the freedoms of our nation on July 4, I encourage you to look at how to create financial freedom in your life. Money is a tool to be used creatively and constructively to build families and communities. Your self-worth is not your net-worth…

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12 months ago

Want to Teach English as a Foreign Language? TEFL, CELTA, and DELTA Explained

Do you want a job that will let you travel the world and meet new people? Teaching English as a second language is a great way to see the world and discover new cultures. I had a complete reset about seven years ago and decided that I wanted…

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12 months ago

A Different Approach to Finances After 60: How Best to Leave This World vs What to Get from This World

Five years ago, we had a group of friends, most of whom were high achievers, over for dinner. Amongst our guests was a client, who had returned to Canada after working as a director at a hospice in California. I thought to tie in our dinner discussion…

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