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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

9 years ago

Boomers Are Masters of Career Reinvention. Now it’s Time for an Encore

Baby boomers have always been masters of reinvention. In every decade of our lives, we have challenged the status quo and lived life on our own terms. Some have accused us of being selfish for exactly this reason. But, deep down, our attempts to reinvent ourselves were rooted in our desire to get the most from life. Read More

9 years ago

Older Workers Having a Tough Time Getting Their Groove Back, AARP Survey Says

The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, was hard on older workers. In the years following the financial crisis, people from all walks of life struggled to find work – and those lucky enough to have savings found them greatly depleted. The good news is that, on paper, the economy is on the mend. Read More

10 years ago

Making Money from Your Crafts – How to Decide What to Make and Sell

In a previous article, I discussed how to improve your craft skills so that you can get ready to sell your handmade items online. But, once you feel like you have reached a certain level of proficiency, the question still remains – what should you produce? Read More

10 years ago

Older Entrepreneurs Are the New Normal – But, the World Still Doesn’t Know it!

If you think about the word “entrepreneur,” what image springs to mind? Maybe you thought of the actor who played Marc Zuckerberg in the film, “The Social Network”. Or, perhaps you imagined Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or another young technology genius, who started a technology empire from his or her basement. You probably didn’t think of a retired 57-year old tax consultant from St. Louis. If so, your instinct was way off. Read More

10 years ago

Celebrate You! What’s the Best Thing You Bought Yourself This Year?

Shopping is a necessary part of life and, by the time we turn 60, we are pretty good at it. We know what we like, what make us happy and, for the most part, we know where to go to get it! Read More

10 years ago

Fun Jobs for Seniors: How to Sell Your Handmade Items Online

A lot of women in their 60s would love to make a little extra money on the side, preferably doing something they love. Unfortunately jobs for seniors are hard to come by these days.

Besides, after decades trying to climb the corporate ladder, many of us are reluctant to start something too serious. At the same time, we would like to earn some “fun money” for travel, gifts and little luxuries. The question is – where should we start? Read More

10 years ago

Is Retirement Realistic? New Savings Guide Shows that We’re Kidding Ourselves

If you believe in the traditional view of retirement, life after 65 should be filled with trips to the golf course, martinis by the pool and plenty of TV time. Setting aside the question of whether such a life would be healthy or fulfilling, it is clear that few of us will be able to afford it. Read More

10 years ago

Aging Stereotypes Are Causing Discrimination in the Workplace. It’s Time to Take Action!

As many boomers know, trying to keep your career moving forward after 50 can be a frustrating experience. Aging stereotypes are just part of the story, but, they are an important part.

In a recent report titled “A New Vision for Older Workers: Retain, Retrain, Recruit”, Dr. Ros Altmann goes so far as to say that, in the U.K. most women find their careers grinding to a halt at age 45. Men get another decade of career growth before reaching a plateau, but, even they find it difficult to advance after age 55. Read More

10 years ago

How to Find Deals and Save Money with Groupon

Even if we care less about “things” after turning 60, we still get the impulse to go shopping occasionally. If this sounds familiar, you’ll love Groupon!

Maybe it’s for a new dress or pair of shoes in preparation for a stylish night out on the town. Or maybe it’s treating friends to a fancy dinner so you can all catch up and swap life stories. Or maybe it’s for a day all to yourself relaxing and getting pampered at a spa.

The problem is that you want to stay frugal, too, since you have bills to pay and necessities to budget for. And it can be hard to find a business that has a deal going on right now, or at least wait until a shop nearby holds a sale. This is where the organizing and searching power of the Internet comes in handy. Read More

10 years ago

Most Boomers Are Rejecting Retirement… and that’s a Good Thing for Everyone!

One of my biggest fears for the baby boomer generation is that we have taken the concept of retirement too seriously. Many of us still believe in the notion that retirement should be a time for living off your savings, relaxing and “aging gracefully.”

Now, a new study by The Pew Charitable Trusts, says that the majority of baby boomers may finally be rethinking retirement. Most people surveyed said that they didn’t plan on retiring, in a traditional sense. Instead, they said that they wanted to continue working, either in their existing job or in a new career.  Read More