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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

8 years ago

6 Ideas for Creating Cash Flow and Escaping Ageism in the Workplace

It’s interesting to note how governments are universally at pains to promote the employment of the over 50’s. They aim to keep them working as long as possible.

Is this to prevent governments having to pay pensions? Or are they beginning to understand that people over 50, are no longer old? Personally, I think it’s the former. Read More

8 years ago

7 Boomer Marketing Tips, According to Baby Boomers

It’s no secret that baby boomers are one of the most powerful consumer groups in the world. As a result, marketers are constantly looking for ways to sell to us. Right about now, I can probably hear you saying, “Who cares?” As Seth Godin’s book says, “All Marketers Are Liars.” Why should we care if they know how to market to us? Read More

8 years ago

Marketing to Baby Boomers: How Do You Want Companies to Talk to You?

Why on Earth would you want to tell advertising agencies how to talk to you? Isn’t marketing to baby boomers something that only companies who want to sell something should care about? Absolutely not! Read More

8 years ago

What Upsets You Most About Marketing for Seniors?

Ok, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Marketing for seniors is tough. For starters, the term “seniors” covers a huge age range. You could argue that 20 years ago most people over 60 had similar lives. No more! Read More

8 years ago

Are Baby Boomers Suffering from Financial Shame?

Do you suffer from financial shame?

I ask this question because financial shame is far more common than most of us would like to admit. Everyone talks about how financially successful baby boomers are, but, this is just part of the story. Like every generation, we are struggling after the Great Recession. Read More

8 years ago

Social Security Benefits for Widows and Divorcees

Your husband may be out of the picture, but his Social Security could still be a part of your life. Whether you’re widowed or divorced, U.S. law may allow you to collect benefits based upon your former spouse’s work history. Read More

8 years ago

5 Valuable Social Security Tips for Your Daughter and Granddaughter

The choices you make today will affect your Social Security payment amount later on. This is true, even if you are in your 60s and are rapidly approaching retirement age. It’s especially true for our daughters and granddaughters, who still have several decades to go before retirement age. I always thought that everyone got the same amount for Social Security. Like many women, I was very naïve…

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8 years ago

Are You Dealing with Being Unemployed as an Older Woman?

Being unemployed as an older woman is a stressful, frustrating experience. It’s also a situation that few of us imagined we would be in just a few years ago. Read More

8 years ago

Does the Idea of Probate Process Freak You Out? Sharing my First-Hand Interview

At first reading, this post may seem less about quality aging and more about not aging at all (meaning dying), but it’s not a bummer. I promise. Since money and financial issues can cause us all so much stress, this is a stress-buster to offer some extra peace of mind. Read More

8 years ago

Important Social Security Deadline Looms – Are You Prepared?

Did you know that several Social Security rules are about to change? If not, you’re not alone! There’s a great deal of confusion about who is affected and what will happen.

True, the upcoming deadline affects a small percentage of people. That said, many of us are concerned they we lose benefits if we don’t take action. Let’s clarify the situation. Read More