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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

8 years ago

Colonel Sanders Started KFC at Age 65. What’s Stopping You from Starting a Business?

At the age of 65, Colonel Harland Sanders was facing a crisis. Like many older adults today, he was looking at an uncertain future. His restaurant had failed and he was left only with his savings and the prospect of a $105 monthly Social Security check. Read More

8 years ago

Are You Starting Your Own Business After 50? We Want to Hear from You!

The convention wisdom is that starting your own business as an older adult is next to impossible. If you ask the average person why it is hard to start a business after 50, they will give you a litany of reasons, most of which will be based on tired aging stereotypes. Here are a few examples: Read More

8 years ago

The Millionaire Grandma: 7 Limiting Beliefs that Hold Us Back Financially After 60

What does it take to be a millionaire grandma? If you said, “having a million dollars in the bank,” you’re only half right. In fact, many women who reach this financial milestone won’t be able to live the lifestyle that most of us associate with being a millionaire… but, that’s a topic for another article! Read More

8 years ago

How Are You Making Money in Retirement? Here Are Some Ideas

As we reach our 60s, many of us are looking for creative ways to make money in retirement. Some of us are looking to earn some extra cash for luxuries, like travel and entertainment. Others are focused simply on surviving in a low interest rate environment in which it feels like we are paying the bank to hold our money. Read More

8 years ago

30 Grandmas Share the Financial Advice They Wish They Received as Kids

By the time you reach your 60s, you’ve almost certainly made your share of financial mistakes. Even if you are one of the lucky few who managed to save consistently for retirement, you probably look back on your life and wish that someone had taught you more about money as a kid. I know I do! Read More

8 years ago

Why Strong Negotiating Skills Are Essential in Retirement

As we start to reach retirement age, many of us are facing a harsh reality. We simply didn’t save enough for retirement.

Some of us planned to continue working into our 70s, only to be pushed out by the very companies we dedicated ourselves to for decades. Others miscalculated how much money we needed to retire comfortably. Still others lost a significant percentage of our savings in the Great Recession. Read More

8 years ago

What’s the Truth About Reverse Mortgages? We Want to Hear from You!

A quick Google search shows just how polarized our opinions about reverse mortgages are. If you start to type in “Reverse Mortgages,” you will be greeted with the following auto-completion options: Read More

8 years ago

How I Turned a $150 Legal Advice Lemon Into $10,000 of Lemonade

At a local meeting on health care financing, a lawyer neighbor of mine, “Sam,” offered a free half-hour consultation on estate planning at the large law firm on whose staff he serves.

Being hopelessly naïve, and forgetting the rule “there is no such thing as a free lunch,” I signed up, also thinking I’d be doing him a favor as he’d get a little credit from his colleagues for having gotten an enrollee. Read More

8 years ago

Discover the Power of Weak Ties to Rejuvenate Your Career After 50

You are probably wondering, “What the heck are weak ties and how can they help me rejuvenate my career?” Most of us who are in the second half of life have had a hiccup or two within our careers sometime during the last 15 years. That includes me. Read More

8 years ago

Tom Selleck Says Reverse Mortgages Aren’t Giving Away the Farm – Do You Agree?

Are reverse mortgages simply a way for greedy lenders to take the homes of unsuspecting seniors? Or are they a legitimate tool that can help people our age to stay in their homes, while having a better quality of life in retirement? These are the questions that ran through my head as I watched the new American Advisors Group (AAG) commercial, featuring Tom Selleck. Read More