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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

7 years ago

Looking for a New Job After 60? You Can’t Always Get What You Want!

After losing a job, it seems that everyone has somewhere to go each day but us. Driving next to others, they seem like they are on a mission to get to work to perform a job that we no longer have. Why them and not me, we would ask? Read More

7 years ago

3 Ways Playing the Lottery Kills Your Future – We’re Old Enough to Know Better!

What’s the point of writing an article about the evils of playing the lotter for older adults? Surely, by the time we reach our 50s and 60s, we have learned that gambling is the absolute worst way to get rich. Read More

7 years ago

Are Your Bad Money Habits Holding You Back After 60? This Expert Can Help!

Money, in our world, is a very important asset. Could money be defined as something other than paper bills and coins? Join us in discussion with financial advisor Allan Roth, who shares great insight on managing our money past the age of 60. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Approaching Retirement? Get More from Your Savings With These 4 Tips

The years before retirement are especially important for making decisions about our spending habits, investments, and other financial issues. Where do we begin? In this video, founder of Wealth Logic and financial advisor Allan Roth, gives us some pointers on being wise when creating our retirement plan. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

What Do Financial Advisors Do? Do You Really Need One After 60?

If you’ve ever thought about asking for help with your finances – maybe trying to roll over your 401k without getting dinged by tax penalties or making sure you’re not taking too much risk with your life savings – you may have found yourself wondering what financial advisors actually do. Read More

7 years ago

Live Longer and Prosper! 7 Retirement Planning Tips for Women

You probably know that women have a longer life expectancy than men, but did you know that there are 105 males born for every 100 females to compensate? Women have a longer retirement than men, so start now to plan for it.
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7 years ago

Start Your New Career at 50: These Traits More Important Than Your Résumé

It is well understood that hiring managers primarily choose a candidate based upon a perceived chemistry. How will this candidate fit into our culture? Will I want to be around them for the large amount of time I spend at work? Read More

7 years ago

Forget the Golf Course! Your Local Coffee Shop May Spark Your Encore Career

The way we conduct business keeps changing and will keep changing. It used to be the golf course was one of the best places to do business outside the office.
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8 years ago

5 Ways to Bring Home the Bacon in Retirement

The freedom of retirement doesn’t have to mean the end of making money. Plus, now is the time to cash in on things you actually enjoy doing! Read More

8 years ago

5 Keys to Achieving Financial Security in Retirement

When retirement is already a fact, it is too late to talk about saving money. What do you do then? Financial advisor Allan Roth has some practical strategies that he’s going to share with us today. Enjoy the show! Read More