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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

7 years ago

Tapping into the Gig Economy and Working as an Independent Contractor in Your 60s

The gig economy? What is that? It is simply a technical word for the economy that absorbs a number of part-time and flexi-time workers into employment on a contractual basis, via the Internet. Read More

7 years ago

This One Cost Could Send Half of Your Social Security Check Up in Smoke!

As many women in our community know, living on Social Security alone is no picnic. You have to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and clothes on your back. But, as necessary as they are, these aren’t the costs that most of us should fear as we get a little older. Read More

7 years ago

Senior Scams: When is the Tax Man Not the Tax Man?

Imagine this. You have just come home from the park with your grandkids. As your 3-year-old granddaughter plays on the floor with her toys and your 8-year-old grandson reads at the table, you receive a phone call. Read More

7 years ago

Common Resume and Interview Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make in Your 60s

Imagine how many candidates are reviewed by recruiters and hiring managers annually. Now, imagine how many of them bring their biggest personality quirks and issues into the room. This happens at the resume and cover letter stage and most often in the interview meeting, if you got one. Read More

7 years ago

Fighting from Within: Connie’s Big Move Against Corporate Ageism

The following is part three of Connie’s story. Go to Part One and Part Two if you have missed the previous installments.

Finding research on ageism in the workplace: easy. Uncovering how individual companies were solving the issue: nearly impossible. Read More

7 years ago

Finding a Job After 60: How to Write a Cover Letter that Helps You Stand Out

Thought that you were done writing when you finished your resume? Unfortunately, you have to think again about that one. Read More

7 years ago

Finding a Job After 60: 5 Tools That Can Help You Craft Your Personal Elevator Pitch

Ah, the elevator pitch. That magically concise statement of your background, experience and ambition, all neatly trimmed down to 30 seconds, which can, rendered persuasively, land you your next job. Read More

7 years ago

Job Interview Tips for Older Women: 10 Ways to Be Unforgettable

You’ve been invited to an interview and know that you’ll get just one shot at winning the position behind it. How do you plan for success? Read More

7 years ago

A Dissident is Born: Connie Reacts to Her Experience of Ageism in the Workplace

Stung by a Millennial colleague who’d branded her an old lady, Connie did not drown her sorrows in a glass of Chardonnay. She took stock of the sobering situation with characteristic determination. Read More

7 years ago

Does Experience Matter? Connie’s Story About Ageism in the Workplace

Connie remembered the discomfort of her first business meeting.

A cocky college grad with a newly minted business degree, she entered the conference room tucked inside a bubble of scholastic self-confidence only to leave an hour later with a stunned sense of reality. Read More