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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

6 years ago

Starting a Salary Negotiation After 50? Understand Your BATNA

Starting a salary negotiation in your 50s or 60s can be a terrifying prospect. In many ways, it is like negotiating a salary increase at any other age – you worry about hurting your reputation with your boss, feel awkward about asking for a raise and worry that doing so will hurt your prospects at the company. Read More

6 years ago

Looking After Your Money in Retirement: Is a Financial Advisor a Good Person to Know?

You’ve worked hard your entire life and saved responsibly for retirement, but how do you ensure that your nest egg will continue to meet your needs? Who should you ask to help you manage your money in retirement? Financial expert Pam Krueger is going to answer these questions and more. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

How to Start a Consulting Business After 50: 6 Tips You Need to Know

Before I retired from my corporate career, I thought that starting a business meant finding a big idea, developing a product, hiring staff and setting out to “make the world a better place.” Like most people, I saw the stories of companies like Facebook and Google and believed that starting a company required a hard-to-find combination of business and technical skills. Read More

6 years ago

I Became a 68-Year-Old YouTube Star… and You Can Too!

If you think that becoming a YouTube star is only possible if you are a teenager with blue hair and a larger-than-life personality, you couldn’t be more wrong. Read More

6 years ago

Am I Ready for Retirement? Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Deep into your job search, it becomes critical to use every asset available to you. One of the bridges you’ll most likely approach will have you cross over to the dark side…

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6 years ago

What Happens to Your 401K and IRA After Retirement? You May Be Surprised

We all want to get our hands on our 401K at retirement, but do we know how to do it the right way? Join us in discussion with financial expert Pam Krueger who has priceless advice to share with our community. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Money Management in Retirement: Do You Still Need a Financial Advisor?

There is a lot of negative talk about financial advisors – can we trust them, or are we better off managing our own savings and funds? Financial expert Pam Krueger is here to expose the truth about financial advisors. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

4 Ways to Become a Financially Savvy “Bag Lady”

Do you often imagine your future as a disheveled, elderly lady, pushing a wobbly cart overflowing with belongings down the street? Read More

7 years ago

Saving for Retirement: 3 Reasons to Avoid the “Post Kids Spending Spree” Trap

The day that your youngest child leaves the house, or graduates from university, is a bitter-sweet moment for most parents. On the one hand, you are faced with sadness, fear and loneliness. On the other hand, you finally have the opportunity to start living your life again. Read More

7 years ago

Investing in Retirement: How Can Retirees Fight Back Against Low Interest Rates

Finances can be very complicated. Add investing to the picture and some of us would rather visit “La La Land.” How do we deal with this issue? Join us in conversation with finance expert Pam Krueger who has some great organization strategies to share. Enjoy the show! Read More