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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

6 years ago

Retirement Planning for Women: Is the Fiduciary Rule Really Dead? (You May Be Surprised!)

Financial advisors are all the same – they want your money! Right? What if that’s wrong? Join us in discussion with financial expert Pam Krueger who has some info to share about fiduciary advisors. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

Why Online Courses Are a Great Model for Older Entrepreneurs

I almost gave up on my business a couple of years ago. After years of 12-14 hour days, my two partners and I simply weren’t seeing a return on investment. Worse, we had just sunk tens of thousands of dollars into a social network for older adults. We were tired and we felt like quitting. Read More

6 years ago

Retirement Planning: Leaving a Legacy for Your Family (That Will Stand the Test of Time!)

Leaving a legacy is often connected with money and real estate – but not always. Join us in discussion with financial expert Pam Krueger whose advice is sure to shed some light on the topic. Enjoy the conversation! Read More

6 years ago

I Spent $100,000 on Upwork… Here’s My Advice for Freelancers

On the surface, freelancing sounds like an ideal option for older adults looking to make a little extra cash. It’s something that you can do from home, it allows you to leverage the skills that you earned over the course of your career and, for the most part, ageism is avoidable. Read More

6 years ago

Nobody Cares About Your Passion Business… But, it Can Still Make You Rich

Most of us dream of starting a passion business at least once in our lives. Perhaps you love backing and have always wanted to open a bakery or coffee shop. Or, maybe you love collecting stamps and have considered buying and selling them on eBay.

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6 years ago

Are Older Investors Being Too Conservative? A Controversial Look at How We Save for Retirement

The idea that investors should be more conservative with their money as they get a little older is based on solid investment wisdom. After all, the last thing you want to happen one year before retirement is for your life savings to go up in smoke during a market correction. Read More

6 years ago

How to Negotiate with Your Creditors in the Years Before Retirement: 8 Steps to Freedom

My trembling left hand held a cup of green tea as my right dipped into a box of Kleenex. I had long ago stopped wearing eye makeup (too expensive!) but if I had been wearing mascara, it would have been all over my cheeks by now. Read More

6 years ago

Investing in Retirement in a Socially Responsible Way: Do Well While Doing Good

Many people have a specific cause that pulls the strings of their heart. But can you make money while investing in such a cause? Join us in conversation with financial expert Pam Krueger who has the answers those questions. Enjoy the show! Read More

6 years ago

“Older Entrepreneurs Don’t Need Help to Succeed” – Another Angry Conversation with My Friend

A few weeks ago, I told you about a conversation that I had with a good friend of mine about the ability of older entrepreneurs to succeed. In our first argument, she claimed that older adults simply don’t want to start businesses… and, even if they did, they wouldn’t have the creativity, drive and passion to kill it in the marketplace. Read More

6 years ago

Can Older Adults Overcome Their Programming and Embrace Entrepreneurship?

What did your parents tell you about the path to success in America? If you are like most of the 50 and 60-year-olds that I have spoken with, the answer is probably “Not much. I had to figure it out by myself” or “They told me to work hard, finish school, get a job with a good company and stick with it as long as possible.” Read More