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How to Fight Loneliness: Advice From 50 Real Women

Loneliness is a big issue for older women. With our children out of the house, many of the “automatic” relationships that supported us in the past are no longer available. In addition, many of us have gone through a divorce or lost our partner.

So, today, I want to share some advice from 50 of your Sixty and Me sisters on how to beat loneliness at any age. I hope that you will join the discussion!

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What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to make friends after 50 or just feeling a little lonely? Do you think that it is possible to feel lonely, even when you are surrounded by others?

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I find as I’ve become older that I have fewer friends. A couple of them are still working full time, one is forever babysitting grandchildren and another spends months in Florida. I volunteer two mornings a week, make a couple dinners a week for a homeless group, joined two book clubs and one social women’s only group. This sounds like a lot, but there are still many hours a week that I spend alone. I’ve been very disappointed in former and current friends. But I try to busy myself with a couple solo outings a month, books and going to the movies as often as possible. I would love more people to do things with, but I am learning to enjoy my time alone, too. I hate thinking I will spend my senior years while I’m still relatively healthy, being lonely. It can be an everyday challenge to find happiness, but I’m fighting to do it. I’m outside of Philadelphia in the US, so reach out if any of you are nearby!!

Jackie Thomas

I live alone in a very rural area away far away from amenities. Does anyone have suggestions about how to connect? I feel isolated. Thank you.


Hi Jackie I live in a rural area also. Sorry I have no suggestions for you. I too feel isolated. I guess we just have to travel further to connect. I have 3 dogs and two cats who are my best friends also! I hope you have found ways to connect in the last two months. Alison.


I live in the city and I’m lonely. My friends are either married or live out of town. I retired last summer and have had a hard time adjusting. I hope you find a “family” that you can talk to online.

The Author

Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

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