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How to Deal with Facial Hair After 60 Laser, Shave or Leave it Alone

By Sixty and Me May 06, 2019 Beauty

One of the things aging and the hormonal changes that come with it can bring is more facial hair than many of us would like. Suddenly, we notice hairs on our chin and above our lip, or the unwelcome appearance of fine, downy hair over most of our face. It’s not a topic that’s commonly discussed, but it affects so many of us.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Shave!!!

You don’t have to accept it, though. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Beauty and make-up expert Ariane Poole recently spoke with Margaret Manning to explain the many ways of doing it, and how to choose the method that best suits you.

Try Threading to Remove Downy, Fuzzy Facial Hair

The first thing Ariane advises about facial hair removal is what NOT to do. She says that no matter what, don’t ever shave facial hair. It can leave you with increasing amounts of stubble that can be extremely difficult to eliminate. If you’ve already started shaving and have this problem, there are ways of dealing with it, but it’s best not to start in the first place.

Threading is a great option for removing the downy, fuzzy hairs commonly found on our cheeks, temples, and chin. Make-up tends to accentuate this type of facial hair, so eliminating them can make a huge difference in your appearance.

The esthetician holds cotton string in her mouth and fingers and, working quickly, uses it to grab groups of hair to pull out. It stings a bit, but leaves you with a beautiful, smooth complexion. Threading has the added benefit of causing subsequent hair growth to be finer and finer over time, making it naturally less and less noticeable.

Waxing: Beware Doing It at Home!

Waxing is another highly effective, commonly used method of hair removal, but Ariane advises you have it done professionally first. It’s the only way to know how your skin will react, how it should feel, and the correct way of doing it. Once you know all that, if you want to try an at-home wax removal kit, you can.

Saying YesYes to the NoNo

Many women swear by the NoNo, a small gadget that is akin to a mini at-home laser device. Your results may depend on your skin and the type of hair you use it on. For example, coarse leg hair and downy facial hair may have different outcomes, but it may be a good option if facial hair removal is your main concern.

Laser as a Last Resort

Laser hair removal is permanent and it works, but it’s so expensive! That’s why Ariane wants you to try the other methods first. If you aren’t happy with how those work for you, and you don’t mind spending the money, then she suggests looking into professional laser removal.

Which Method is Best for Me?

Choosing the best option for you depends on a number of factors. How much hair you want to remove, the coarseness of the hair and, although none of the methods mentioned here cause an extreme amount of pain, your pain threshold is another thing to consider. Laser hair removal is much more uncomfortable than threading, for example.

The best thing to do is to just try one method and see how it works, making sure to test it on a small area first to see how your skin reacts. If you’re not happy with the results, try another. Some women get the best outcomes from threading, others prefer waxing. For some, laser is the only thing that truly works for them.

For many women facial hair is not bothersome, and leaving it alone is the best choice for them. The important thing to know is that, if you are struggling with unwanted facial hair after 60, there are a number of ways to get rid of it.  The choice is yours!

Do you struggle with unwanted facial hair? What’s your favorite method of hair removal? Are you open to trying a different approach? Please share your thoughts with the community! Let’s have a conversation

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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

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