Genuine happiness is something we all care about, but, not all of us have found. In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, author and blogger Gretchen Rubin shares many insights from her research regarding what really makes people happy.
Her book, The Happiness Project, reached the #1 position on the New York Times bestseller list. In her popular blog she reports on her adventures searching for happiness. We talk about what makes people fulfilled and the small changes that we can make in our lives every day to create a more positive mindset. Enjoy the show!
We discuss how to find happiness, even in difficult times, and the transformative effect that positivity can have on our lives. She also shares her insights on how to insulate yourself from negative people. I hope that you enjoy the show. Please remember to like, comment and share this video with your friends!
We also talk about how self-knowledge and strong relationships are essential to happiness. Finally, we discuss several practical tips for becoming more positive including taking big projects slowly, making small, deliberate changes in our lives, showing appreciation and gratitude, the one-minute rule and the importance of sleep.
I hope that you enjoy the show. Please remember to like, comment and share this video with your friends!