Createquity is an online think tank that helps make sense of the news and research in the arts world. Their review of the evidence that connects the arts with our emotions reveals four things:
Sherita Sparrow, owner of The Feather’s Touch, is a firm believer that art projects for seniors can enhance their quality of life while helping them learn a new skill.
Her company brings a professional artist to help residents in care homes to express their talents. Sparrow’s observations of the benefits of art are backed up by scientific research.
Joseph LeDoux, a behavioral neuroscientist at New York University, discovered new learning experiences boost the development and improve the information processing and memory storage in brains in mid-life and older.
People with dementia living in nursing homes that implemented a music and memory program were more likely to cease using antipsychotic and antianxiety drugs and engage in fewer problematic behaviors.
Here are some my takeaways from the arts research.
In Sherita’s classes, people who could not draw a straight line learned to draw. I see that with music. When I perform, once shy people begin to participate. Older folks struggling for purpose might consider taking up some form of art activity to help them carry through life.
Younger folks are into all kinds of wine events. Wine and music. Wine and painting. Wine and dancing. So, get in on that. Organize a local paint and sip event or something similar.
There is a lot of research on the importance of arts to younger people. So why not make art an intergenerational experience? Learn painting with the grandkids. Learn an instrument. Have children visit care homes and participate with residents in art projects.
The people who need to continue to have purpose and keep their social networks active are older adults in care homes, many still isolated in their rooms. Help bring them out of their shell. Volunteer to teach a class.
The daughter of a woman who continued her love of art in the nursing home thanked the art therapist at her mom’s funeral for the last art piece created by her as it became a treasured gift.
Art, whether in a group or one-on-one can enhance the quality of life for older adults.
Which forms of art interest you? Have you used art or any other form of creativity as a means of expressing the emotions and challenges of getting older? If you are a caregiver, have you used the arts to build and develop a communication framework with your loved one? Please share the art you enjoy and how it has helped you in your life journey.