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Do you love doing things with your hands? This is a place to explore all kinds of hobbies - from arts and crafts to book writing and music lessons!

9 months ago

January Book Reviews: 11 Titles to Spike Your Interest

As I write this blog, snow is whirling around my high-rise – our first real storm of the season. Our high temperature by Saturday will be zero. What a fun time to settle in your comfortable chair with an enjoyable read…

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9 months ago

How Crafting Opens the Door to Creativity – No It’s Not Too Late to Begin at 60!

When I was young, I couldn’t draw so I didn’t consider myself “artistic.” Now that I’m over 60, I know there are many ways one can express oneself creatively. Yet overcoming the idea that I was a no-talent presented a high hurdle – especially since…

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9 months ago

Ancestry Travel: A Sobering Experience

It is not unusual for folks of retirement age to complete a bucket list visit to one’s ancestral home. My husband initiated this practice even before he knew me. In those days before the internet, on a trip to Scotland, he relied on the common phonebook…

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9 months ago

5 Useful Tips for Growing Fresh Herbs on Your Windowsill

Add some homegrown flavor to your winter meals. Grow a few of your favorite herbs on a sunny windowsill or under artificial lights. Start with a few of the herbs you commonly include in your favorite recipes and those that are easy to grow…

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9 months ago

Piano Lesson 26: Happy Piano-versary!

As I started making my Lesson 26 video, I realized that it has been a year since my first Sixty and Me post on January 4, 2023! Happy Piano-versary to us! We have stuck with it, you and I, even though it has sometimes felt very difficult…

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9 months ago

Resolutions Made Easy

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? It’s a natural time to initiate new activities or revitalize old ones. Unfortunately, resolutions can be slippery, but I’ve discovered a few simple tools that make them stick…

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9 months ago

5 Super Helpful Tips for Photographing Your Grandkids

Photographing children is one of the more challenging topics in learning photography. But you’re in luck. Children are one of my favourite subjects to photograph, and so I have a lot of experience. That’s why I’d love to share a few tips…

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9 months ago

Piano Lesson 25: Playing Music Expressively with The Dynamic Six

As you move beyond the “beginner” stage, one of the ways to make your piano playing more expressive and “musical” is by adding more dynamics. Dynamics have to do with how loudly or softly you play your music. If you listen to these performances…

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10 months ago

Create Your Memorable Photo Book in 5 Easy Steps

Cold weather is on the way, and the holidays are nearing. Many of us are creating lists of projects we hope to accomplish while we stay inside during the coming months. One task that always seems to be on that list is creating a photo book…

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10 months ago

Piano Lesson 24: When Is the Best Time of Day for Us to Learn New Things?

I’m often asked for tips on how to practice most effectively. Cognitive Science has much to offer people of all ages about the best ways to practice for optimal memory retention. But where older adults differ from children is in the time of day…

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