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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

10 years ago

Style and Fashion for Older Women: Break the Rules and Express Yourself! (Video)

One of the best things about getting older is that you no longer need to worry about what people think. This is especially true when it comes to style and fashion for women over 60. Sure, there are certain principles that can help you to look your best – but, for the most part, now is the time to express your personality! Read More

10 years ago

What Does Our Changing Perception of Beauty Say About Our Values?

Humans are social creatures and we are aware (sometimes painfully so) of the ways that we are perceived by others. Read More

10 years ago

Happy New Year! This Year, Let’s Embrace our Natural Beauty After 60 (Video)

For many women, including myself, New Year’s always seems to be a time of “giving things up.” Maybe you’re promising yourself to watch a little less cheesecake this year – or watch a little less TV. These are both noble goals, but, this year I want to propose that we all say “yes” to something. Read More

10 years ago

4 Fun Winter Holiday Makeup Tips for Older Women (Video)

Celebrity makeup artist, Ariane Poole, is back with some fresh and fun winter holiday tips for older women. If you are ready to enhance your look with beautiful bronzer and luscious lip gloss, you’ll love my latest interview. Read More

10 years ago

It’s Time to Embrace Natural Makeup for Older Women (Video)

What are the benefits of embracing natural makeup for older women? This is the question that I asked Ariane Poole, during our last interview. Want to know what the only 10 items are that you need in your makeup bag? Then, this interview is for you! Read More

10 years ago

Fabulous Fall Makeup for Older Women: 4 Tips to Enhance Your Look (Video)

Fall is such a wonderful time of the year for exploring makeup for older women. As the leaves start to fall, it’s time to break out your berry lipsticks and get out into the world. It’s also the time of the year to start preparing your skin for the long winter months ahead. Read More

10 years ago

What Makes the Most Comfortable Shoes for Older Women?

I think we can all agree that there’s some truth to the stereotype that women love shoes. For some of us, “obsessed” would be a more appropriate word. Throughout our lives, shoes have been a part of our identity. Now, as we get a little older, we have to learn to adapt to our changing feet. Read More

10 years ago

What I Learned About Makeup for Women Over 60 from Ariane Poole

If you want to understand the fabulous world of makeup for women over 60, you could do much worse than to talk to a celerity makeup artist. After all, these are the people who get the stars ready for the Oscars and public figures ready for their appearances.

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10 years ago

Fashion for Older Women: Are You Making this Belt Mistake?

When I met with fashion expert, Melanie Payge, to film our fashion for older women video series, I was amazed by the number of simple, yet powerful, tips that she was able to provide. From not wearing a white bra with a white top to the importance of tailoring, Melanie was an amazing source of practical information and advice. Read More

10 years ago

Choosing Stylish and Comfortable Shoes for Older Women

I have a confession to make. I love shoes. Unfortunately, finding stylish shoes for older women is a challenge. Even when you find a store that sells fashionable and reasonably priced shoes, choosing the best pair isn’t always easy. So, to help demystify the shoe buying process, I turned to fashion expert Melanie Payge. Read More