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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

9 years ago

Advice for Aging Skin: What Can You Do About Sun-Damaged Skin?

Most women I know love to spend time outside, doing sports, sunbathing or just hanging out. Unfortunately, our aging skin is the first thing to suffer from our fun in the sun. Read More

9 years ago

6 Stunning Examples of Fashion for Older Women (Photos)

If you believe what you see on TV and in the movies, fashion for older women is all about dull colors, covering up and “dressing your age.” What nonsense! It’s absolutely true that some shapes go better with certain body types, but, for the most part, fashion after 60 is all about choosing clothes that express your personality and make you feel great. Read More

9 years ago

5 Unexpected Tips for Finding Your Style After 60

Fashion trends have never been a huge priority for me. I am really a bit of a beatnik. Style is a different matter altogether. Like many women, over the decades, I have been seduced by hats and scarves and have always enjoyed putting things together in a way that communicated my personal style. Read More

9 years ago

Nail Polish Trends to Help You Get the Look You Want – Beauty After 50 Tips (Video)

Join Ariane Poole as she explores the world of beauty after 50. Ariane is an extremely talented makeup artist and a good friend.

In this edition of the Sixty and Me show, we cover the latest nail polish trends to help you get the look you want this summer. Give it a watch and then join the conversation! Read More

9 years ago

4 Ways Older Models Are Changing the Fashion Industry

For decades, or centuries even, fashion has been a young person’s game. In a way, this makes sense. Not only were young people the ones with the most disposable income, but, retirement, was seen as a time of aging gracefully, not dressing fabulously.

Oh how the tables are turning! For starters, older women are now one of the most desirable consumer groups. In addition, far from fading quietly into the night, women in their 50s and 60s are embracing fashion and makeup and living life to the full. Read More

9 years ago

Let’s Explore the Latest Lip Color Trends for Women Over 60 (Video)

What do red, pink and coral have in common? They are all some of the hottest lipstick shades for women over 60!

You may not realize it, but, your lips are actually the part of your face that people watch the most. So, why not make the most of them when these makeup tips for women over 60. Read More

9 years ago

When it Comes to Makeup for Older Women, Blue is the New Black (Video)

One of the biggest makeup mistakes you can make as an older woman is applying the same techniques that you used as a teenager. In this makeup tips video, we discuss why blue is a great choice for your next mascara. When it comes to makeup for older women, blue really is the new black! Read More

9 years ago

Pomegranates and the Secret Beauty of Getting Older

I love pomegranates. I’m not just talking about how wonderful they taste – although they are certainly delicious. I’m talking about something slightly deeper. Pomegranates remind us that what is on the inside really matters. In fact, as you probably already know, sometimes the ones that look the roughest on the outside are the sweetest on the inside. Read More

9 years ago

Beauty After 50: Get Real Result from Faux Tanning (Video)

When it comes to beauty after 50, one of the worst things that you can do to your skin is to spend too much time in the sun. As the days get longer and the sun returns, it may be tempting to get a “healthy” looking tan. Read More

9 years ago

A Woman’s Face Tells You More than Her Clothes

Today, I came across a quote by Dale Carnegie that reminded me of all of the fabulous women that have surprised me over the years. The quote was, “The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back.” Read More