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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

5 years ago

3 Alternative Shopping Techniques Older Women Love: Upcycling, Vintage and …

We might not like to admit it, but for many women over 60, learning to economize simply comes with the territory. Much of what we once spent on our wardrobes goes to more important things, such as food, housing or health care.  Must we really give up our passion for fashion? Read More

5 years ago

Fashion for Mature Women: 5 Tips for Using Style to Your Best Advantage

It’s easy to say that we are getting older and as such, we face more challenges but what do we do with that information? Do we pretend it doesn’t matter? Or do we take our fashion into our hands and be proactive about it? Read More

5 years ago

My Super Easy (Under $15) Summer Makeup for Older Women Tutorial (Featuring CYO)

One of the most common myths that surround women over 60 is that makeup is no longer a part of our lives nor do we still have the desire to look as good as we feel.

This misconception is one that makes some women our age balk at the idea of visiting beauty and skin care stores. Do not let foolish ideas such as these keep you from doing what you want! Read More

5 years ago

3 Fashion Over 50 Challenges We All Face (Plus 2 We Only Imagine)

Contrary to popular myths, mature women today DO care about what they look like, style, fashion, and makeup. We care about our appearance every bit as much as younger women do, perhaps even more so! Read More

5 years ago

Fashion After 60: 3 Ways to Use Color to Bring Your Clothing to Life!

Like many things in life, the colors we wore when we were younger may not work for us as we grow older. How do you know if one of the color staples in your wardrobe still works well for you? Read More

5 years ago

Don’t Fade Away! Fight Invisibility with Fashion After 50

Margaret Manning talks with fashion blogger Patti Gibbons about the ageist belief that, after 50, women are no longer fashionable. They also discuss how mature women can change these beliefs, if they wish to. Read More

5 years ago

Be Yourself! Fashion After 50 is About Authenticity and Uniqueness

After 50, it’s easy to see how mature women can become “invisible” to a society that is focused on (and some say obsessed with) youth. When a woman reaches mid-life, she shouldn’t feel invisible unless she chooses to. Mature women should feel beautiful and truly authentic. Read More

5 years ago

Want to Add a Touch of Sophisticated Style to Your Everyday Attire? Try These Tips for Women Over 50

What comes to your mind when you think of sophistication?

Maybe you imagine afternoon tea and sandwiches on fine china, everyone dressed in elegant garb. Read More

5 years ago

5+ Comfortable and Stylish Spring Shoes for Women Over 50

If we’re talking about comfortable and stylish shoes, we need to say something right off the bat. The “slides” have to go. Read More

5 years ago

Fashion After 50 Trash of Treasure: 6 Things to KEEP and 3 to TOSS

How can mature women improve their wardrobe by considering which items they should keep and which they should donate or toss? Read More