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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

9 years ago

The Holidays Don’t Have to Be Boring – Perhaps It’s Time for Something Completely Different!

The holidays are filled with predicable patterns that give meaning to the season. There is something comforting about doing the same thing year after year; it gives a sense of consistency and ritual. Read More

9 years ago

60 Women Share their Advice for Surviving a Divorce After 60

Divorce after 60 may be painful, but, at least it is no longer a taboo subject. It’s also a challenge that more and more women are facing as our generation ages. Read More

9 years ago

There’s No Place Like Home… Except Grandma’s!

I came across a quote today that made me think about the special relationship that grandkids have with their grandparents. The quote was “There’s no place like home, except grandmas.” With my own grandkids, I’ve noticed that there is a special sparkle that appears in their eyes when we talk about going back to my apartment. Read More

9 years ago

The Indescribable Joy of Being a Grandmother

I don’t know about you, but, I love being a grandmother. When I was raising my own children, it seemed like life was a flurry of activity. I was working full-time, always zipping back and forth from the office, trying to squeeze in as much time with my kids as possible. At the same time, while I was raising my kids, every question was a “first” and every problem had to be solved without context. I loved every second of it, but, the time also flew by in a blur. Read More

9 years ago

Happy Grandparents Day 2016 – What Have Your Grandchildren Taught You About Life?

Happy Grandparents Day 2016! Today is one of my favorite days. It’s not that I do anything particularly special. For the rest of my family, Grandparents’ Day is just another checkbox on the calendar. That’s ok with me. Read More

9 years ago

Why Grandparents Day 2016 is for Everyone, Not Just Grandmas and Grandpas

Happy Grandparents Day everyone!

Not so long ago, I wrote an article about the important role that grandparents have to play in making the world a better place. The point that I made was the older adults have a unique set of skills to offer the younger generations. We also have a responsibility to ensure that we leave the world in better shape than we entered it. Read More

9 years ago

The Special Role that Grandparents Play in Spotting Potential

When I was a young mother, all I wanted was for my kids to grow up and have “good jobs.” My family didn’t have a lot when I was growing up and I was determined that my children would have every opportunity that I missed. If my kids had asked me what it takes to succeed, I probably would have answered something like “Do well in school… go to university… get a good job at a company that will take care of you.” I’m sure that many moms feel the same. Read More

9 years ago

60 Secrets to a Happy Marriage After 60 from your Sisters at Sixty and Me

“Love and marriage, love and marriage go together…” Well, you know the rest of the song. If only it was that easy! In many ways, falling in love is simple. Turning our passion into a lasting marriage is something else entirely. Fortunately, we have our sisters in the Sixty and Me community to turn to for advice. Many people in our community have been happily married for 4 decades of more and they want to share their secrets with you. Read More

9 years ago

Grandparents – Let’s Save the World Together!

There is something special that happens to the way that you see the world when you have your first grandchild. As a parent, you are often too busy with the day-to-day business of keeping your family running smoothly to notice the world around you. As a grandparent, you are free to see the big picture. Read More

9 years ago

The Secret Lives of Modern Grandmothers

I am a modern grandmother. My granddaughter calls me “Baba Margaret” – and I fully expect the “Baba” (Russian for Grandma) will drop off in a few years. Like most grandmas, I’m busy these days. I manage two businesses and my granddaughter and I live in different countries and time zones. Read More