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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

7 years ago

5 Positive Ways to Deal with Losing Family and Friends as You Age

People leave our lives all the time. There are so many reasons why they leave, and these losses do have an impact on us, whether or not people pass away, move away or a relationship brakes down. Read More

7 years ago

What Losing My Mom Taught Me About Life, Love and Devotion

Tuesday, New York City

The call came around noon on Tuesday. It was from my son, who was in Cincinnati for business and had stopped to see his grandmother.

“Mom,” my son beseeched, “you need to get to Ohio as fast as you can. Nana’s not doing well.” Read More

7 years ago

Surviving a Divorce After 60? What to Do When Things Are Not Going Your Way

The New Year brings a lot of promise for women going through or recovering from divorce. Yet for some of us, there are still a lot of challenges and mixed feelings. Read More

7 years ago

6 Steps to Bond with Your Grandchildren and Create a Lasting Family Treasure

My parents always insisted that my brother and I sit and listen to grandma’s stories. Our cousins didn’t have to, and back then we were envious. Read More

7 years ago

Forget Scented Candles! 4 Christmas Gifts for Grandma that Won’t End Up in the Trash

What are the best Christmas gifts for grandma? Well, as the leader of, Sixty and Me, a community with 100,000s of grandmas, let me start by telling you what NOT to get… candles, slippers, clothes or bath salts! If we wanted any of those things, we would get them ourselves.  Read More

7 years ago

How Developers Are Catering to Baby Boomer Renters

In 2011, when my wife and I decided to sell our three-story home in New Jersey and move to an apartment just three Metro stops from Washington, D.C., we had no idea we would be becoming part of a growing Baby Boomer trend. Read More

7 years ago

Switch Your Focus to Relieve Thanksgiving Stress

Ah, Thanksgiving! A time of celebration, of gratitude and family get-togethers.

For some, getting together with extended family is a joyous tradition. For others, it’s joyous only some of the time. Not all family is created equal, however. Read More

7 years ago

Getting Married After 60? Here Are 5 Ways to Give You and Your Partner Peace of Mind

The recent marriage of long-time public radio host Diane Rehm was written up in The Washington Post with the attention to detail that big weddings in big cities receive. Coverage focused on the flowers, her dress, the post-ceremony dinner party and their love story…

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7 years ago

4 Reasons to Start a Business with Your Grandchild

Why on earth would you want to start a business with your 10-year-old grandchild? Isn’t it better just to “let kids be kids” and leave the serious stuff to your grandchild’s parents? Not necessarily! Read More

7 years ago

How to Have a Happy Halloween Supper with the Grandkids

Halloween is relatively new to the UK – well, as a holiday type celebration it is!

We’ve had All Hallow’s Eve as an ongoing ‘thing’ for hundreds of years, but it’s only caught on in a big way in the last couple of years. Read More