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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

5 years ago

Redesigning Holiday Traditions to Fit Your Life Now

Once upon a time, in a log cabin far, far away, snuggled into 15 pristine acres of Vermont, I used to host Thanksgiving events fit for a Hallmark snow globe… It smells of cinnamon and mulled wine…

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5 years ago

Want to Avoid the Holiday Letdown? Try Having a Conversation Around the Thanksgiving Table!

Tons of food, alcohol, politics, family… what could possibly go wrong during the holidays? Year after year, many of us still hope for that elusive, harmonious bonding holiday experience. Most of us leave disappointed…

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5 years ago

How to Keep Stress from Ruining Your Family Holiday Gathering

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Kwanza, or Christmas, the holidays will soon be upon us, spreading a message of peace and love around the world. It’s a truly uplifting and inspiring time of year…

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5 years ago

Practicing Mindfulness and Kindness with Your Grandchildren and Winnie the Pooh

Mindfulness is a state of full awareness, moment by moment, to all one’s experiences, without judgment or bias. Such awareness encompasses external perceptions as well as internal feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Read More

5 years ago

4 Ways to Thrive with a Retired Spouse

My husband is 10 years my senior. He has had two iterations of “retirement” so far and both had financial and emotional implications for us. His most recent shift has been out of a paid career to having more freedom with his time. Read More

5 years ago

Are Gray Divorces Becoming Too Trendy?

There has been much research done on the baby boomer population over the last several years. We do not need to wonder why. Until the Millennials were born, our generation was the largest…

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5 years ago

When Divorce Strikes After 50: Here’s How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex

As a divorce coach for fabulous women 50 and better, one of the most common refrain I hear from clients has to do with their ex – especially during the holiday season. Read More

5 years ago

4 Lessons I Learned in Later Life About Dealing with Unexpected Family Drama and Tragedy

It seems a lot like a movie now, but I didn’t choose to see or play a role in this one. I was dragged in as a lead actress in this long-running family drama and was forced to make the best of it…

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5 years ago

What if You Died Today? 3 Quick (and Powerful!) Steps to Ease the Burden on Your Family

Alone. Head in hands. Sobbing. Unable to understand what to do next. Unable to take in what had just happened, or to perceive how her life would now pan out. Distraught, and yet needing to keep the family together…

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5 years ago

Is Marriage for You? Are You Open to a New Journey This Side of 60?

My passion has always been helping women with their nutrition by viewing food as just one of several components of nourishment. But nourishment comes not only from food, but also from the way we live our lives…

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