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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

4 years ago

How Technology Assists Grandparenting in the Age of Covid-19

In normal times, my children fly into my life in Miami like the wind, often resembling a soft and balmy breeze, though at times their visits can feel more like a hurricane. They bring precious cargo…

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4 years ago

Want to Release Your Divorce Anger? Here’s What to Do 

If you are recently divorced and over 50, there is probably an all-too-common emotion that you’re experiencing. Anger. Being ticked off. The persistent rage that will not leave you, especially if you were married for decades and now your life is disrupted…

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4 years ago

Climbing the Walls in Quarantine? Climb Your Family Tree Instead

Many of us find ourselves staying home doing our part to flatten the coronavirus COVID-19 curve. Staying home means staying safe. Unfortunately, the side-effects of self-isolating at home can be boredom…

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5 years ago

The Art of Giving a Eulogy – Share the Best Stories and Get Personal About It

Over my long career as a funeral director I’ve heard more than my fair share of eulogies. In a sense, eulogies are like taking a scenic drive through a life…

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5 years ago

Dear Grandkids, Don’t Make the Same Money Mistakes that I Did!

Dear Max, Marvel and Jack… Trust me, your relationship with money will really matter one day… and since I won’t be around forever, I wanted to share some of what I have learned about money over the years…

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5 years ago

How World Crises Can Wreck Our Normal Routines for Visiting Family

Yesterday my mother called me. I live in Oklahoma, and she lives in Florida. Our regular routine is this: I fly to Florida in October to celebrate her birthday. She flies to Oklahoma in May to celebrate mine…

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5 years ago

Lacking Confidence After 60? Scrap the Apologetic Behavior

Ever been in a situation like this before? You don’t pick up the phone in time and when you call the person back, the first words out of your mouth are “I’m sorry.” You bring store-bought cupcakes to your friend’s party and you utter, “I’m sorry…”

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5 years ago

Planning a Funeral: 8 Things Funeral Directors Want You to Know

Let’s face it – funerals are the parties no one wants to plan. And most people only interact with funeral directors at funerals when they are appropriately solicitous, supportive and somber. Read More

5 years ago

4 Magical Tips for Successful Holidays with Blended Families and Strange Bedfellows

One of the quirkiest Thanksgiving holidays I attended happened in the early 80s. I had recently moved with my two sons from Las Vegas to La Jolla, California…

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5 years ago

Do You Love the Holidays? Do You Embrace them Even if You Don’t?

There are two kinds of people: those who adore the time-tested holiday traditions, the shopping, the wrapping, the cooking, the expectations… and those who, for whatever reason, don’t. Of those who don’t, there are the ones who carry on anyway…

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