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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

4 years ago

7 Things to Include When Creating a Pet Loss Memorial

A memorial video can be a wonderful and moving way to pay lasting tribute to your pet. The realization your pet is no longer with you can be challenging and difficult.

In fact, you might even fear that your memory of them will fade away. Read More

4 years ago

Why Are Mature Women Living with Their Partners Rather Than Marrying?

According to a recent Pew Research Center report, the number of people age 50 and older who live together with their unmarried partner shot up by 75% between 2007 and 2016. That’s 4 million mature adults who live together compared to 2.3 million a decade ago. Read More

4 years ago

Don’t Miss Out on the Gift of Grandparenting

I call grandparenting a gift because after years of raising a child, now you have another chance to experience the magic of a baby’s first smile, watching them rolling over, and experiencing all the various stages and steps…

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4 years ago

Becoming Grandma Can Change Your Life

Are you a grandmother? Does that give you absolute joy or considerable worry? Or perhaps both? Read More

4 years ago

Writing a Letter to Your Deceased Spouse – How and Why Would You Do It?

The Covid pandemic and required quarantine have been tough on all of us, there is no question. But I dare say they has been particularly hard on those of us who have been widowed – whether recently or not – and are spending…

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4 years ago

The Importance of Meaningful Conversation at Any Age

As an only child who grew up with a quiet and introverted mother and a father who worked very long hours, there wasn’t a great deal of meaningful conversation in my household. In fact, being raised on TV dinners made the meals…

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4 years ago

6 Ways to Reimagine Your Life After the Empty Nest

Turning a new chapter as your children leave home can be a powerful moment to claim who you are more fully and explore new horizons for your life! Read More

4 years ago

5 Tips for Learning How to Be a Grandmother

It is often suggested that babies should be born with a manual, because it is so hard for new parents to work out how best to look after them. We, mothers, know that we managed somehow or other. But now it begins again, as we are faced with being a grandmother. Read More

4 years ago

An Experiment with Prayer – Out Loud and with a Partner (Video)

I’d say a silent prayer with my morning coffee, in church, sometimes before a meal. But the idea of asking for guidance with struggles and worries out loud? With my spouse listening? This concept may work for other people…

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4 years ago

Of Mothers and Adult Children – How Do You Cope with Thoughts that Make You Worry?

It is said that once a mother, you are always a mother. However old your son or daughter may be, they are always your children. This may be right, but it is a blessing and a curse. Most of us cannot escape it. This realisation came home to me…

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