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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

4 years ago

6 Common Mistakes Women Make Concerning Divorce

Going through a separation and divorce is difficult no matter what stage it happens in your life. It might be even more traumatic if you had a long marriage. Below are some common mistakes women make concerning divorce…

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4 years ago

Having Fun with Grandma Names in Different Languages

If you’re a grandmother, what do your grandchildren call you? “Grandma?” “Nana?” “Mammy?” Some women over 60 feel strange being called “Grandma” or other titles because it reminds them of their own grandmothers, who were much “older” women than we are now…

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4 years ago

Financial Advice for Widows: What to Do Before You Remarry

Many years ago, when a woman’s husband died, she went into mourning – sometimes wearing black “widow’s weeds” for a year or more. Generally, she remained alone after that year or perhaps moved into an adult child’s home. That was the case with my…

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4 years ago

4 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship with Your Daughter-in-Law

Are you trying to improve your relationship with your daughter-in-law? Do you want to create a better understanding and reduce tension? If these are a few of the questions that frequently enter your mind, then read on for some answers…

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4 years ago

How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Your Divorce After 50

Divorce guilt comes in all sorts of mutating forms. It is normal for many of us to feel like we were somehow to blame for the divorce. Culturally, we are taught that keeping the household and marriage successful was our responsibility…

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4 years ago

How to Enjoy Your Adult Children After 60

When do our children become adults? And do how we as moms adjust the way we relate to these now-tall people who share our DNA? There are a lot of people who object to the term “adult children.” So what do we call them to be both…

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4 years ago

How to Deal with the Grief of the Loss of a Pet After 60

Coping with the loss of a pet is incredibly difficult at any age. As you probably already know, it doesn’t matter if you are six or 60 – the raw emotions of pet loss can make you feel alone, angry or even numb. As older adults dealing with the loss…

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4 years ago

5 Things You Need to Know About Advance Directives

Marie’s son was distraught. He had told his mother he would have the doctors do everything they could – but now they were saying that they didn’t know how long she would be able to breathe on her own without the tube, nor did they know…

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4 years ago

Divorce After 50: How to Reinvent Yourself in 3 Steps

For many women who are ending a decades-long marriage, life after divorce can seem like a fog. It’s easy to wonder, “Well, what the heck do I do now?” You may have defined yourself as part of a unit and, when you are no longer part…

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4 years ago

Attention Grandmothers: What Will Happen to Your Life Story?

Every grandmother has her story. I may not know each of you personally, but I know that, like me, you’ve had loves and losses, trials and triumphs. But where does that story live – other than in your heart and mind?

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