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Forget Coffee! Here are 10 Fun and Creative Date Ideas

By Margaret Manning February 14, 2014 Dating

Coffee shops must be making a fortune from the trend in online dating that almost invariably leads to the first date suggestion of “let’s just get a coffee.”

The main objective of a first date is to see if there is any chemistry, but a crowded and noisy coffee shop is not all that conducive to connection.

While caffeine might get your heart pumping, it doesn’t always provide the most comfortable environment for a first meeting.

So why not think outside the coffee cup and try something completely different for your next date?

Here are 10 creative date ideas inspired by the dating site How About We. This is an online service where people suggest a unique date idea as a starting point to meeting new people. It is perfect for women over 60 who, for the most part, want to find someone to do interesting things with. At least at the beginning, they are looking for a date, not a mate.

This model of online dating really allows you to learn a lot about your prospective date simply by the date ideas they suggest. There is one important guideline that the date idea must be in a public place, but other than that, all fun and creative date ideas are encouraged!

Here are some wonderful paraphrased date ideas that we found from single men over 50:

How about we…

Go to the Botanical Gardens and Photograph the Bonsai Tree Collection

Doing something outside is a wonderful suggestion and right away this date idea tells you three things about this man: he loves nature and plants, he has an interest in photography, and he has an appreciation for Japanese horticulture. Aren’t we all looking for someone who has an eye for beauty and a willingness to learn about other cultures?

Go to Venice and Float Down a Canal with Music and Wine

I doubt this man lives in Italy but I love the aspirational nature of this date suggestion. He clearly is a romantic and loves the finer things in life. You can perhaps respond and suggest an Italian lunch and glass of wine. Creating a theme inspires a more interesting date – you could commit to practicing a little Italian!

Go Ice Skating, Take a Dance Lesson or Try a Pottery Class.

This date idea indicates a man who loves a sense of adventure and has a great sense of fun. If you are willing to try something new on a first date, you express your joy for discovery and your zest for life.

Check Out the Amazing View from the Top of the Rock

Meeting for a date as local tourists is a fun idea. You could replace “Top of the Rock” with any landmark in your city or town. If it is well known, you both have almost certainly have been there and will be comfortable meeting and having lots to talk about in a relaxed way.

Speed Walk Around the Local Library

This is a nice combination of things to do for a first date. It offers something physical and intellectual at the same time. It shows a sense of humor and reflects an interesting man. You can always counter with a walk around the park and wander round your favorite bookstore.

Go to a Local Market and Buy Some Original Art

This is another brilliant way to take “let’s have a coffee” to a more focused level. Knowing someone loves art enough to suggest it as a date idea is refreshing. To mention specifically shopping for local original art shows a bohemian nature and could be an unusually good thing to do on a first date.

Go to an Ice Cream Parlor and Try at Least 7 Flavors

Tasting ice cream beats a cup of coffee any day for me, and shows a person who takes an eclectic interest in food and dessert in particular. It may also indicate someone with a few extra pounds, but experimenting with new foods gives you a chance to demonstrate your unique personality and show your willingness to indulge in a pleasurable dining experience.

Enjoy the Art, Cocktails, and View at ________!

This creative first date idea could be a suggestion to enjoy art, cocktails and view from any roof garden, museum or revolving restaurant in any city or town. This date idea blends the cultural with the contemporary and gives a great opportunity for conversation in a relaxed and peaceful environment.

Visit a Farmers Market and Warm Up with Hot Chocolate and Whipped Cream

Shopping at a farmers market can offer all kinds of fun opportunities for getting to know someone. You can share a conversation about unusual foods, interesting recipes, and stories of your travel to corners of the world. Coffee after that kind of outdoor excursion is more than just a sit down café experience.

After wandering around outdoors and seeing a variety of new things, you will both be feeling energized, excited and able to let your true personality shine!

Choose from 8 Types of Oolong at a Café that Specializes in Tea

In my interview with Jesse Jacobs, he mentioned that his Samovar Tea Lounge in California is doing well as a first date destination. Teahouses are often more serene and intimate than a coffee shop, and tea provides opportunity for a more sexy conversation. How about discussing a choice of mysterious oolong teas with names like Ginger Lily, Goddess of Mercy, and Wuyi Dark Roast? Just saying all of those names makes me feel sensual and seductive.

Finding a match by suggesting creative date idea definitely beats reviewing online pictures and boring profiles and getting involved in game playing emails and rejection. Why not come up with some fun and creative date ideas and just go for it! There are still plenty of single men over 60 out there!

Do you think coming up with creative date ideas is a good way to meet a new man? What would be your unique suggestion? Fill in the blank: “How about we _________________?”


Watch my interview with dating coach, Lisa Copeland for more senior dating tips.

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The Author

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

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