My guest on this latest episode of the Sixty and Me Show is Nancy Collamer, a blogger for Next Avenue and Forbes and loves helping boomer women to shape profitable and exiting careers in semi-retirement.
In our interview, we discuss how women in their 60’s are looking for flexible jobs and Nancy gives us useful tips on how to find the perfect solution. Working with women to build meaningful and unique part time careers, Nancy gives concrete examples that allow you to work part time. Enjoy the show
We discuss the benefits of working after 60, including earning more money, enabling social connections and keeping your brain healthy. We talk about the specific types of flexible working opportunities that range from a service business to writing and creative business ideas.
Nancy offers a number on online resources to enable and empower you to turn a good idea into a practical business. Women in their 60s want to travel, spend time with their grandkids, and pursue their interests. Nancy helps us understand how working part time from home with a flexible job is the perfect fit.
100 Great Second-Act Resources
Second Act Careers: 50 Ways to Profit from Your Passions in Semi-Retirement, by Nancy Collamer
I hope that you enjoy the show! Please remember to like, comment and share this video with your friends!