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3 Mistakes People Over 60 Are Making with Their Exercise Routine

By Christine Kirkland November 06, 2022 Health and Fitness

As we age, it’s important to stay active and exercise regularly. In fact, if you’re over 60, exercising is one of the best ways to stay healthy and mobile. But it can also be easy to make mistakes.

Here are three common mistakes seniors make when it comes to exercise:

Forgetting to Modify Exercises

If you’re new to a workout program, it’s important that you scale back your intensity until you feel comfortable with the movements. This will help prevent injuries and keep you injury-free as long as possible.

Here are some tips to help you modify your exercises:

Make Note of Pain

If an exercise causes pain, stop immediately. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and needs attention. You can always try again later when you’re feeling better.

Range of Motion

If an exercise makes it difficult for you to complete a full range of motion (ROM), then use less ROM in the movement. For example, if a full squat causes your knees pain, try just a very small bend at the knee (I call these mini squats).

Another common area where seniors tend to feel restrictions is the ROM in their shoulder joints. This is another example of where you must listen to your body and move it within a range of motion that feels good for you.

Listening to your body and making modifications will set you up for success in the long run. This will allow for a safer and more comfortable workout routine which will help to keep you consistent in your workouts. The truth is, if a workout feels good then you are more likely to stick with it.

Not Adding in Strength Training Workouts

When we’re young, our ability to do intense cardio is great for burning calories and shedding pounds quickly – but as we get older, our bodies need more time to rest and recover from high-impact exercises like running or cycling.

That’s why it’s important for people over 60 who are just starting out with an exercise routine to focus on building muscle (strength training exercises) along with some aerobic activity (like walking). This will help you stay strong and healthy while still burning calories at a steady rate over time.

For strength training exercises to be effective all you’ll need is some sort of weight – free weights are fine, resistance bands or even cans filled with water will work too! You can even use your own body weight for strength training exercises. You don’t need expensive or fancy equipment to get started.

Strength training helps to increase your bone density. If you are a senior, strength training should be one of your top priorities. While the goal of a strength-training program is to increase muscle mass, it also helps improve bone density and balance – two things that tend to decline with age.

Include Exercises That Mobilize Joints

Strength training is useless without having good mobility through your joints.

Age-related joint pain is common and can be debilitating. To perform a proper squat, you need mobility through your knees and ankles. To do a shoulder press you need mobility through your shoulders and to do a bicep curl you need mobility at the elbow.

I could go on with a hundred different exercises where joint mobility is the foundation to any strength training exercises. Strength training workouts are useless if we don’t have the mobility of the joints to successfully complete the exercise.

If you’re starting to notice tired and achy joints, it’s time to spend some time working to improve your mobility. I like to think of my joints as a chain on a bicycle. When you move your joints this creates synovial fluid (it’s like grease for the body) to help your joints (the bicycle chain) to move better.

My workout of choice to increase mobility and build full body strength is Pilates. Pilates is a gentle, low-impact strength training workout that also includes lots of dynamic “flowy” movement to increase joint mobility.

Pilates also works to improve your balance, which is something that declines as we age. Be sure to find an instructor that is experienced in working with people over 60 to ensure you are getting the most out of your Pilates practice.

Whatever mobility workout you decide to go with, know that it’s a great compliment to any strength training program and will help to improve your performance in your workouts and in your everyday life.

If you take one thing from this article, I hope it’s this: that no matter what level you are at, everyone needs to do the right kind of exercises for their body!

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What type of exercise do you do? How often do you exercise? What is your favorite way to build strength in your body? Have you found an exercise program that has improved your quality of life? I would love to hear about your experiences and favorite workouts!

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I enjoy Noodle-itis at our local sports complex. It is a combination stretch and cardio (light to moderate and at times high) cardio program held in the warm therapy pool. The warm water provides excellent relief on sore joints and the cardio exercises done always in deep water can be challenging at times. It does feel great afterwards.

Toni Stritzke

Aquarobics is my favourite. I have lymphodema in my left leg and it is the one thing that gets the lymph flowing. Within 15 mins I can bend my knee freely. Where as walking a distance is always associated with pain and discomfort.
Recently I took part in a yoga sound session. The moves, while gentle in nature, made a surprising impact on my muscles for the next few days.
Yoga is underrated as a strengthening type of exercise because you are not moving fast but it certainly gives you a good workout.

Mary Lou Harris

Thanks for these reminders.

Christine Kirkland

You are most welcome!

Anita Clos

Pilates! I have never been committed to exercising regularly but have stayed with Pilates for three years. It is challenging yet something I can do– or at least try to do. Online/virtual has been wonderful for me as it doesn’t require travel time. Yet the instructors are live and most provide feedback or suggestions. It’s perfect. I am 68 yo, active but never an athlete.

Christine Kirkland

That is amazing Anita! I am happy to hear you have stayed so consistent with your Pilates practice.

Sheila Buckingham

I am doing morning exercise each day before breakfast. I do half hour of Pilates or cardio workout for 30 minutes or 30 minutes on my exercise bike. About an hour after breakfast I walk my dog for about an hour. Sometimes longer dependent on where we go, so between 6-12,000 steps. Once a week I attend Zumba Gold for an hour. I also do some gardening and, of course, housework, which is another fitness necessity.

Christine Kirkland

Such a great way to start your day Sheila. You certainly have a great morning routine!

The Author

Christine Kirkland is a certified Pilates Instructor who has helped women worldwide reduce pain, tone their bodies, and improve full-body strength and balance. Replace ”no pain, no gain” workouts with gentle and effective online Pilates classes. Join her On Demand Pilates Studio today with a FREE 7-day trial.

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