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Want to Make Exercising Easy? Celebrate More!

Do you have all the right intentions with exercise, but this isn’t always enough? Do you make plans for a workout or a walk, but things get in the way, and you don’t manage it?

Would you like exercising to become a regular habit for you?

We all know how much being more active will help us, and we want to do the right thing. It’s frustrating when we struggle to make it happen.

There’s Nothing Wrong with You!

The first thing I want to do here is to reassure you. This is very normal, it happens to most of us (myself included), and it doesn’t mean you’re weak or lacking in willpower.

Next, I want to tell you there are things you can do to make it easier.

How good would it feel to know that you can make exercise a regular part of our routine? That you can create new habits and feel successful?

I’m here to tell you that you can!

Creating New Habits Is Hard

I’ve been a specialist exercise instructor for more than 15 years, and I’ve helped many people to improve their balance, feel stronger and move more easily.

I’ve noticed that the biggest challenge for many people is finding a way to create new habits and make exercise a part of their routine.

That’s why we created the Set Yourself up for Success video series inside our online exercise Studio. It has helped many of our members to get started and keep going with their exercise programmes.

Celebrate for Success!

In our video series, we have shared how, why and when we should celebrate our exercise endeavours.

Celebrating is a powerful way of creating a new habit.

When you celebrate, you feel good. When you feel good, your brain tracks back to remember what action led to this feeling, so it can make sure you do it again.

Celebrating creates a positive feeling that quickly and successfully wires new habits into your brain.

This technique has been helpful for many of our Studio members, and I hope it will help you too!

So, What Do We Celebrate?

You’ll laugh at some of the suggestions I’m about to make. But please stay with me!

We need to start by celebrating the small actions, the first steps, the things that get us started.

That includes things like:

  • Putting on your walking shoes or exercise clothes
  • Laying your mat out to do stretches
  • Getting your exercise band out of the drawer
  • Opening your laptop (to do an exercise video)

Of course, you can and should also celebrate when you go beyond these initial steps, so that might be when you finish your workout, when you put your key in your front door after going for a walk or when you take your swim cap off after a swim or aqua class.

Here’s How to Celebrate

The most important thing here is finding something that works for you. It could be quiet and understated or loud and physical. It’s up to you!

You could say:

  • Good job!
  • You’ve got this!

Or even something silly and funny, a catchphrase like ‘Yabba Dabba Doo!’

You can make it physical, perhaps a:

  • Thumbs up
  • Clap
  • Take a bow
  • Choose a power pose (think Usain Bolt!)

Some people combine a spoken and physical celebration, while others like singing! It’s your choice, so find a celebration that works for you!

What Can You Do Right Now?

  1. Think of a starter step (e.g., rolling out your exercise mat) that you need to do to get started with your exercise.
  2. Now, choose a celebration that you will do each time you’ve laid the mat out.
  3. Now go and practise this! (Do NOT skip this step)

I hope you’ll find these celebrations will help you create new exercise habits and reinforce behaviours that you know will help you stay active and keep fit for the future.

Do You Want More Set Yourself Up for Success Videos?

If you want to learn more about how to make sure you do the exercises and activities you know will help you, I know you’ll love the Set Yourself up for Success video series. You’ll find it in the Vida Wellness Studio.

That’s our online exercise Studio for people who want to feel stronger, move more easily, improve their balance and have better posture.

Studio members enjoy an extensive library of clear, easy-to-follow exercise videos. They benefit from professional advice and the support of a friendly community.

You can now get a FREE 14-day trial of the Studio, so you have lots of time to work out if it’s right for you. Click here to learn more about the Studio, see taster videos and sign up for your FREE trial!

I’d love to know what celebrations you already do. What small steps could you start celebrating? How might you celebrate these? Join the conversation below – I can’t wait to hear from you!

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The Author

Over the last 16 years, Claudine has helped hundreds of people to improve their balance, feel stronger and move more easily. That's why her in-person classes and online programmes have been featured globally, including on BBC Radio 4. Members of her online exercise studio enjoy an extensive library of easy-to-follow videos, as well as advice and support. Try some taster videos from the Vida Wellness Studio.

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