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Caregiving is a rewarding, frustrating, inspiring experience. Whether you are caring for an elderly parent or your partner, it's important to remember to also take care of yourself. We can help.

5 years ago

How to Proactively Prepare Your Work Environment for a Potential Caregiver Crisis

Elizabeth Miller, a speaker at my third Caregiver Smile Summit, spoke to me about preparing for the inevitable caregiver crisis while you are at work. She is a family caregiver, certified caregiving consultant…

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5 years ago

Aging Alone and the Importance of Self-Care

It feels like it was yesterday I was helping my parents with their care needs while working a full-time job. Today, I’m the one who has grown older and occasionally needs help, but unlike my parents…

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5 years ago

3 Critical Issues to Consider When Planning to Age in Place

Seniors and their families must come to grips with many realities when it comes to deciding about aging in place. One’s residence may not be the home sweet home that it used to be when we turn 60 and beyond…

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5 years ago

How to Protect Ourselves and Our Loved Ones from Elder Abuse

It’s time to talk about something that may make many of us very uncomfortable. In fact, we may become so uncomfortable that we may rather ignore – or at least minimize – the issue. I am talking about elder abuse…

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5 years ago

How to Use Technology to Get More from Aging in Place

Can technology and the older generation mix? Of course! Technology is not just for young people. As we get older, technology can help us improve our day-to-day living and safety…

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5 years ago

Supporting Aging in Place: How Can Family Members Help an Older Person to Prepare?

Aging in place, or staying in one’s own home as you get older, is preferred by 76% of Americans in their 50s and above, according to 2018 statistics from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)…

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5 years ago

Aging in Place: How to Prepare Your House for a Retrofit and Renovation

Many seniors prefer to spend their golden years in the comfort and familiarity of their own home, but the reality is that it’s not always safe to be home alone past a certain age. Accidents and illnesses may occur…

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5 years ago

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding on Elderly Care Options for Your Parents

If one or both of your parents is getting to the stage where they need elderly care, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all. Perhaps you have noticed they aren’t coping as well as they used to…

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5 years ago

Saying No to Caregiver Isolation Can Be the Beginning to the Fulfilling Life You Need

After a full year of declining most social invitations, I was beginning to feel isolated. Choosing a good night’s sleep over a night out was an unusual habit for someone who usually loves spending time with family and friends…

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5 years ago

3 Tips to Creating a Dementia-Friendly Home: It May Take Some Effort but Is Worth the Safety It Provides!

Dementia does not look the same for everyone, and oftentimes, we do not know how symptoms will transpire in each person until after they’ve occurred. More people are hoping to live in their homes…

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