Beltone is a company that has a long track record of helping people with hearing challenges. It has been in operation since 1940, and there are thousands of satisfied customers. Beltone believes that the key to finding the right Beltone hearing aids for customers is accurately assessing the customers’ hearing losses. If you’re in the market for hearing aids, keep reading to learn how Beltone works.
There are several steps in the Beltone hearing assessment. Beltone conducts a comprehensive computerized hearing test that gives an accurate picture of how a person hears and where there may be hearing gaps. Because the test is computerized, it is able to identify subtle hearing deficiencies successfully.
Unlike many tests, this test also focuses on speech discrimination since Beltone recognizes that most customers’ primary goal is to be able to understand what their loved ones are saying. This hearing assessment uses both air conduction and bone conduction tests.
In addition to the hearing test, the assessment also involves a video ear scan. This scan conducted with an otoscope gives a full picture of what is happening inside the ear canal. This portion of the assessment aims to determine if there is a physical or medical reason that can be seen for the hearing loss. Often, this process will also involve having your technician remove ear wax.
Based on the comprehensive hearing aid assessment results, Beltone will recommend various models that may work best for the customer’s unique hearing loss.
Most Beltone models are based on the Beltone Imagine technology. Several users report that this technology provides the most accurate, true-to-life sound reproduction of any hearing aids on the market. As added features, the Imagine technology also sports rechargeable batteries, saving many users time and money.
If that wasn’t enough, Beltone Imagine technology also offers outstanding streaming options, which are critical for many users. To enhance this streaming capability, Beltone also offers the Direct TV link 2. This device allows streaming to happen with any device, including televisions and mobile phones.
There are several other devices that Beltone sells that will also potentially enhance users’ listening experiences.
Many users also describe this model as extremely attractive. It is placed in the ear canal, reducing visibility. It is also available in a wide range of skin colors and hair colors.
One of the key Beltone apps is the Beltone HearMax app. This app can be utilized on either Android or Apple devices. These apps allow a user to both control and customize their hearing aids remotely. Beltone offers a wide range of customizable options, depending on the environment that you are in. One other great feature of this app is that it allows you to find your hearing aid if you have taken it out and accidentally misplaced it.
There is also the intuitive Hear Plus app, as well as the Beltone Tinnitus Calmer app, which is designed to help people who have troubling tinnitus symptoms. This app focuses on training people to use relaxation techniques to work their way through symptoms.
Unfortunately, the Company does not list the prices of its different models on the Beltone website. Beltone explains that they will give prices after an assessment when the customer is in the store. This means that Beltone may not be a feasible option for many people who aren’t located close to a retail store. Fortunately, Beltone offers a wide range of financing packages to make their products affordable to a wider range of customers.
Beltone is a well-established hearing aid company that offers products geared towards a wide range of hearing problems. These products use state-of-the-art technology, and recommendations are based on comprehensive assessments. But, there are some potential drawbacks that consumers need to be aware of. Not everyone has a Beltone store in close proximity. In addition, there is no pricing transparency until you have gone through the time-consuming assessment process.
Overall, the Beltone brand is one that is worth looking into. They’ve been around for several years now and have a good reputation.