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Be Patient! 5 Ways Playing the Waiting Game Helps After 60

By our age, you would think that we would have learned how to be patient… but, for many of us, the opposite is true. With fewer years ahead of us than behind us, we are always in a hurry to get things done… and our long term social, financial and mental goals get thrown out of the window.

So, today, I want to talk about the 5 ways that being more patient can help you to get more from life after 60. I hope you find them useful!

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Do you consider yourself to be a patient person? Why or why not? Do you think that people our age are generally more or less patient than at other times in our lives?

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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

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