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Yvonne Broady lost her husband to pancreatic cancer in 2009. She faced the task of rebuilding her life as she dealt with the pain and grief of loss. Brave in a New World was written as a guide for those who are navigating a grief journey. The book explains the variety and complexity of feelings one has when they are mourning. She shares her journey through the grieving process and how she gradually rebuilt her life. Please visit Yvonne’s blog at and follow her on Twitter @yvonnebroady.

Latest Posts By Yvonne Broady

8 months ago

Opening the Door to Love Again After a Loss

Not long ago, I met a very lovely lady who enthusiastically shared her story of love lost and found again. She explained how her husband had died 20 years earlier. Years later, after vowing that she would never love anyone else, this woman found herself…

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2 years ago

Finding Your Way After Losing a Spouse

I had several milestone events that occurred during my husband’s bout with Stage IV cancer. I turned 60 the December before he died. Many friends came together and surprised me with a beautiful party, but I missed not having my husband there…

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2 years ago

6 Ways to Manage Grief and Rebuild Your Life After a Loss

After my husband passed away from cancer and the dust had settled, I was soon left to deal with the pain and suffering that would ensue. I didn’t know how…

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2 years ago

Dealing with the Death of a Spouse – Should We Mourn Forever?

I write often about grieving and the feelings one can experience when they are in the throes of it. Many in the beginning feel that the pain is now so much a part of them that to give it up would somehow be a betrayal to the lost spouse…

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2 years ago

Brave in a New World: Dealing with Grief and Recovering from Loss

The loss of a mother at a rather early age was very traumatic. At 17, this is the time you need love, guidance and direction about life and you do not know who to trust. So you must learn to trust yourself and your instincts and in your life decisions – good, bad, right or wrong…

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7 years ago

Why Dealing with Grief is Different for Everyone

Dealing with grief is tough. When someone loses a spouse or loved one, a numb feeling sets in and they are stunned and surprised that something so horrific has occurred. Initially, they may feel literally frozen in place because essentially, they are in a state of shock. Read More