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Wendy is a world traveler, having worked for many years on cruise ships, and lived in multiple countries during her adult life. In recent years Wendy pursues her passion for writing and sharing her gypsy soul experiences in various forms. Follow her on Instagram: wendygypsysoulcelebrant and read her Substack column at

Latest Posts By Wendy Ann Hulbert

7 months ago

Cherishing Best Friends in Our 60s

It is my profound good fortune to be spending this week with an amazing human being called Julie: she is and has been one of my besties for 25 years. We live quite different lives, and almost entirely in different parts of the world, but we have an unerring…

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7 months ago

The Silver Agony Aunt Responds: Assisted Living and Regrets

The Silver Agony Aunt responds to these question: “How do you make sure assisted living is the best possible option for a loved one, and how can you overcome feeling regret over some decisions, even though you did the best you could at the time?”

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8 months ago

A New Career Path in My 60s

The post-divorce era is no doubt a time for reflection, certainly a time of change, and likely a crossroads of where one has been, and what comes next. Sage advice is not to make any major life changing decisions for at least a year after…

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9 months ago

Handling Relationship Disappointment in Our 60s

I am very much a woman who follows her gut instincts and goes by the belief that first impressions are lasting impressions. So, when I form a positive opinion about somebody that proves to be wrong, I actually disbelieve myself – until I am ready to accept…

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9 months ago

Being of Service in Your 60s 

As discussed in my previous blogs, there are so many perks to reaching this wonderful milestone, and I finally have the time and the means to follow through in earnest on one of the most pressing items that has remained flickering on my back burner: volunteering.

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10 months ago

Nourishing Your Soul in Your 60s and Beyond

It occurs to me that women from all around the world will be reading this article, which is why I realize that life experience in different countries is so relevant in its diversity. How fascinating it would be to sit in one room with a baby boomer…

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10 months ago

Moving on in My 60s as a Solo Woman

I am six weeks into my new life back in the UK, and how interesting this stepping stone is proving to be! I decided to invest in a small lodge near the Cornwall coastline to nurture my need as a Piscean to be close to the force of the ocean…

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11 months ago

My Continuing Friendship with My Two Exes

I ask myself this question often: how did I remain good friends with not one, but two ex-husbands? First, let me say that I am eternally grateful for that. There is no magic answer, but rather an ironic one; I chose two good men. If tomorrow…

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12 months ago

Needing a Virtual Hug in My 60s

Here I sit, tucked away in a quiet, distant corner of Orlando airport, waiting to board a flight to London, ready to start my new life: yet again. My emotional swings have been crazy today; I awakened full of beans, excited, optimistic…

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