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Wendy Richards Edwardson is a late bloomer. She became a college student, travel consultant, blogger, aspiring author, and entrepreneur, all after her 50th birthday. She focuses on intelligent travel, independent thinking, and living a fearless, exciting, and eclectic life. You can visit her website at

Latest Posts By Wendy Edwardson

1 year ago

How Do You Battle Obsession After 60? My Sweet Tooth Closed the Deal

You know what I’m talking about. You walk into an office – any office – and there, on the receptionist’s desk, sits that innocent bowl of candy tempting you. Not one of those bowls with unwrapped morsels and a scoop. I won’t touch those.

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2 years ago

Square Pegs in a Round World: Embracing Your Authentic Self as You Age

As someone who has spent her entire life on the peripheral, I know all about being a square peg in a round world. As a once attractive young woman who desperately wanted to fit in, I would never have thought to say anything that ran contrary to popular opinion…

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4 years ago

7 Offbeat Jobs That Can Make You a Buck After 60

2020 is winding down, and all I can say is good riddance! I cannot recall a bleaker year. Like me, your job may have either gone POOF! or you are sitting by your phone waiting for that come-on-back call. I may be over 60, but I still get a thrill…

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4 years ago

Why You Should Cancel Your Cable TV and Save Money – and Possibly Your Health!

A 2019 study done in the United States showed that the average monthly cable bill was US$217 including fees. I then did my own unscientific Canadian survey by checking with a few friends and was informed they paid…

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4 years ago

Turn Your Dreams Into Future Travel Plans

Being an Experiential Travel Advisor, I can tell you that business is a little slow right now. So, while I have some downtime, I would like to share with you just what experiential travel is all about. To put it simply, it is the difference between…

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4 years ago

Preview of Coming Attractions – the Travel Industry Reboot

Hotel chains will streamline, airlines consolidate, and sadly, some tour operators will close their doors. It might be time for a travel industry reboot. I refuse to stress over things I cannot change…

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5 years ago

4 Ways to Keep Your Travel Life on Track While Staying Safe!

I’m a glass half full kind of person. I truly believe that in a few months the coronavirus chaos will be behind us and something else will have taken its place…

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5 years ago

Traveling in Dodgy Times: What Can You Do to Stay Safe?

If you are anything like me, you must be wondering (if you’ll pardon the old adage) whether the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Truth be told, there really isn’t anything new under the sun…

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5 years ago

Making Your 2020 Travel Plans? Here Are 8 Exquisite Travel Options You Shouldn’t Miss!

Generally speaking, those who love boutique travel are seeking to escape the crowds, identical hotel rooms and nose-to-tail tourist attractions. They are looking for low key and authentic…

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5 years ago

Expedition Cruising: A Fulfilling Way to See the World as a Curious Boomer Woman

As access to our world grows easier, travelers want to experience it all, especially the 60+ baby boomers and beyond. We want to share it with our partners, families, grandchildren, and friends…

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