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Viktoria Vidali is a published writer, educator, photographer, and poet. Her love of children, music, travel, metaphysics, and the natural world inspire her work, as do vivid memories of her exhilarating 40,000 nautical-mile sailing voyage into the Eastern Pacific. Please contact Viktoria at: or at Poetry For Living (

Latest Posts By Viktoria Vidali

6 months ago

Vicarious Joy – What Is It?

You enter a flower mart to fashion a vibrant bouquet for your home. Flowers reliably lift your spirits, especially after a long winter. With abundant variety available in Spring, you choose Yellow River daffodils, Wedgewood-blue lilacs, Magic Opal irises…

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7 months ago

Let’s Shift to an Optimistic Perspective in All Life Scenarios

Rain splattered against the windowpane, mimicking the worried rhythm of Joyce’s heart. Her son, Allen, was due back from a camping trip with friends, and with every passing minute, the storm outside echoed the one brewing inside…

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8 months ago

Seeing with Two Eyes

In their shared studio, awash in sunlight, Gabriella applied oils to the canvas of a fiery sunset. She paused, regarding Marcus with a reflective gaze. “Remember that saying, Marcus: ‘Those who have eyes, let them see.’?” Marcus, engrossed in smoothing…

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8 months ago

What Is the Age of Your Inner Voice?

In a cozy living room little Emma sat cross-legged on the soft carpet, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looked up at her Grandma Rose nestled in a favorite armchair by the fireplace. The fire cast a warm glow on her grandmother’s kind…

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9 months ago

Wisdom of the Old

When I was in my 20s, I had an epiphany that never left me. To some, this revelation might seem commonplace or unoriginal, but to me, at that time, it was pivotal. And the epiphany was this: Just because a person is old does not mean…

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10 months ago

Exploring Hawaii’s Big Island Magic

Imagine discovering a location in the United States where you can experience savannah-like landscapes, luscious waterfalls and green mountain valleys, expansive moonscape terrains, and a coastline adorned with wild beaches featuring warm water…

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11 months ago

Let’s Unmask the Retirement Reality

As women over 60, we have had many an occasion to look back on what has brought us to where and who we are now, and at this stage we may be envisioning and planning our next chapter. Some of us continue to work full-time in our respective…

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11 months ago

What Does It Mean to Follow Your Bliss?

Follow your bliss has become a popular catchphrase found on a blossoming array of self-care sites and, like the word awesome, is so overused that its original meaning has been obscured. Following your bliss is not the same as personal pursuit of pleasure…

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11 months ago

How Much Protection of Adult Children Is Too Much?

It is universally agreed that parents possess an elemental instinct to protect their children. Even before the moment of birth, and thereafter throughout their lives, children animate this instinct, which over time settles so profoundly in parents that it…

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