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Verla Fortier, a retired professor of nursing, manages her lupus erythematosus by living and playing outside in Pine Falls, Manitoba, Canada, on the edge of the boreal forest. For free evidence-based green space health tips visit her website

Latest Posts By Verla Fortier

3 months ago

Did You Know You Are More Beautiful When You Are Outside in Nature

Did you know that you’re more attractive when you’re out in nature? It’s like a beauty makeover from Mother Nature herself. And this is why. It’s all about blood flow and the amazing symphony it creates in your body. Your automatic nervous system…

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5 months ago

Unveiling Nature’s Power: A Wedding Speech for Millennials’ Well-being

At my son Max’s wedding to Sarah, as the mother of the groom, I found myself delivering a speech that unexpectedly resonated with the entire audience, particularly the younger generation. Reflecting on the impact, I realized the relevance…

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8 months ago

4 Unexpected Tips for Living Longer with Chronic Disease: I Want Trees, Please

We all know that we are not going to live forever. But when we enter our 60s, the harsh reality of our own expiration date hits home. The good news is that if you are 67 years old and have no chronic diseases, you can expect to live…

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12 months ago

Why Nordic Walking Is a Wonderful Activity at 60 and Beyond

Nordic Walking is walking with poles. It was invented in Norway when cross country skiers wanted to train in the off-season. And it took off. Now it is not uncommon, especially in upscale urban areas in Canada to see avid “polers” – solo or in groups…

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1 year ago

Protecting Your Heart on the Road: The Scenic Route Solution

When it comes to staying healthy on a road trip, many people focus on diet and exercise. However, the sudden cardiac death of my healthy best friend during a two-day road trip made me realize that there are other crucial factors to consider…

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1 year ago

It’s Not You, It’s Your Nervous System

Maybe, like me, you sometimes feel that you can be “too emotional” at times. You might be relieved to learn that it is not you – it’s your nervous system. And your nervous system changes with your environment. Solid research…

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1 year ago

Do You Know What an Outside Mindset Is?

In an article for Sixty and Me I talked about how naturally occurring patterns in nature, also called fractals, are perfect for relieving stress. And that is important for you to know because your health care provider usually does not have enough time…

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1 year ago

If Green Space Acts Like Medication, What Is the Dosage?

Your body’s balance is kind of like a kid’s playground see-saw or teeter-totter moving up and down between two sides of the nervous system with ease. One side of the nervous system is speedy and the other is slower. This body balance…

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1 year ago

Heart Rate Variability: Could This Be Your Secret Signal to Keep You in Better Health?

You might have heard about HRV, but you may not be sure what it is. So before I tell you how much tracking my HRV helps me with my lupus, let me cover what heart rate variability (HRV) is. In my previous Sixty and Me article…

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2 years ago

Why Your Resting Heart Rate Should Be Your Best Friend

There is so much your resting heart rate can tell you – it can predict illness, help you manage your stress, and even save your life. Our bodies are complex systems. It is impossible to know what is going on below the surface, below our level of awareness…

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