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Thea Banjac helps women with chronic conditions lose weight, rebalance their bodies, and regain control of their health. She combines functional medicine lab testing with personalized wellness protocols to target root cause contributors of each client’s unique condition. Schedule a free consultation at or join her 12 Weeks to Well program to begin taking back control of your health today.

Latest Posts By Thea Banjac

1 year ago

Are Genetics Really the Cause of Your Autoimmune Disease?

Have you been struggling with an autoimmune condition for years? Have you seen several doctors, trying desperately to find a solution, only to end up with a 2nd or even a 3rd autoimmune diagnosis? Have you always wondered…

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1 year ago

5 Pantry and Freezer “Must-Have” Foods for People with Autoimmunity

As many women with autoimmunity and other chronic diseases have discovered, food is much more than just calories for the body! Food provides vital information to the immune system, the nervous system, and every other bodily system…

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1 year ago

3 Ways to Effectively Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Have you gotten your blood sugar checked recently? If not, you should consider doing so! Your chance of developing diabetes increases with age, and according to the CDC, 48.8% of adults over age 65 meet the criteria for prediabetes…

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2 years ago

5 Tips to Stop Toxins from Screwing Up Your Immune System

Did you know that toxin buildup in the body is a major contributor to auto-immune conditions, weight gain, metabolic syndrome, endocrine disruption, and a number of other chronic health issues?

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2 years ago

Use These 4 Protein Tips for Healthy Muscle Mass

You have probably heard that gaining and maintaining muscle mass is important as you age. In case that hasn’t sunk in yet, I am here to remind you once again… maintaining your muscle mass is absolutely crucial if you want to age gracefully…

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2 years ago

5 Easy but Crucial Practices for Women with Auto-Immune Disease to Implement Immediately

Despite what you have been told by your doctor, or perhaps what you have seen with friends or family, the diagnosis of an auto-immune condition is not a life sentence. An auto-immune diagnosis does not automatically subject you to a lifetime…

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