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Terri Edmund is a retired innkeeper on Florida’s Suncoast, currently polishing her first novel about a feisty gal born during a hurricane in 1921. In the summer, she camps near the beach in the fishing village of Cortez. During season, she plays flute with the Manatee Community Concert Band. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Terri Edmund

7 years ago

Sleep After 60 Isn’t a Luxury – It’s a Must Have for a Long, Happy Life!

I’ve never been a good sleeper. As a kid, I remember reading for hours by the hall light while my sister slept. Read More

7 years ago

After the Storm – Facing Unexpected Adversity as We Age

This summer, devastating hurricanes tore up the Caribbean, drenched Texas and chewed through the entire state of Florida. Harvey, Irma and Maria aren’t the newsmakers they were just weeks ago, but the effects of these storms have changed lives. Read More

7 years ago

How to Ease the Stress of Relocating in Your 60s

Most of us stay put as we get older, but many of us have one, maybe two moves left in us. The reasons to change living quarters are as individual as we are – to be closer to family, a warmer climate, lower taxes, more age-friendly housing. Read More

7 years ago

Will You Live to 100? Here’s How to Find Out

Knowing I want to eat chocolate cake at my 100th birthday party, I decide it’s time to check my odds of living so long. A quick web search later, I’m staring at an online quiz. Read More

7 years ago

Can an Old Dog Learn New Tricks? Mysteries of the Aging Brain

One of the scariest anticipations of old age is what will happen to the mind. Will I develop Alzheimer’s or slip into dementia? Will I suffer brain damage from a stroke? Will I become a doddering old lady with nothing interesting to say? Read More