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Terri Edmund is a retired innkeeper on Florida’s Suncoast, currently polishing her first novel about a feisty gal born during a hurricane in 1921. In the summer, she camps near the beach in the fishing village of Cortez. During season, she plays flute with the Manatee Community Concert Band. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Terri Edmund

5 years ago

Never Say Never: Why 60 Is the Best Time Ever to Eat Our Words

The older I get, the easier it is for me to change my mind and adopt new ideas. Some people get more set in their ways, saying things like, “I’ll never try online dating,” or, “I’d never take a dance class alone…”

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5 years ago

Jumping Off a Major Cliff After 60? You Can Do It Without Going Splat

Almost always, when we reach the other side of a difficult time, there’s a place we rest and say, “Whew, glad that’s over.” It might be a divorce, a battle with the IRS, a year of financial torture or intense grief…

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5 years ago

Life After Derailment: Getting the Big Picture Back in Focus After 60

An older friend of mine preaches, “Always see your next six steps.” It’s good advice, and I follow it when I’m rushing to catch a trolley or heading upstairs. But what about our next six steps in life?

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5 years ago

Transitions Offer Opportunities for Late Bloomers – Do You Care to Explore Them?

I’m separating from the man I’ve been partners with since my 20s. The last few months have been very difficult. My living arrangements are unsettled, so my habits and routines are jumbled. Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Join the Longevity Revolution

When I turned 60, I knew for sure I wanted to live to at least 100.

I’ve been so busy the past 40 years with day to day details – earning a living, having a fun life, caring for my family. I hadn’t planned much for my future. I did quit smoking 20 years ago and started walking to counteract the weight gain. But other than that, aging isn’t something I’d thought much about. Read More

6 years ago

The Long Game of Changing Direction After 60, for Better or Worse

Just when I thought this side of 60 my life could be more predictable, an unexpected storm blew in and changed everything. I shouldn’t have been caught so off guard. Read More

6 years ago

Group Therapy in Mature Adulthood: Good Reasons for a Get-Together

I’ve come to the conclusion, in my seventh decade, that there really is no such thing as too much fun. It seems to follow that people with more friends tend to have more fun. So, I’m branching out and meeting new people. Read More

6 years ago

Partly Cloudy, Mostly Sunny: Dowsing Dissatisfaction with the Practiced Positivity of a Mature Woman

A couple weeks ago, I had a real down-in-the-dumps day. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it because my life is normally good, and I’m grateful for so, so much. Read More

6 years ago

Finding Main Street in Our High-Speed World

I grew up near a rural town that had everything we needed: a grocery, the pharmacy and a hardware store. The main drag was lined with a bank and post office, a florist and the barber, our doctor and insurance agent. We even had a bowling alley that served a mean catfish dinner on Friday nights. Read More

6 years ago

How to Enjoy Summer While Balancing Work and Play with Goals and Expectations

Chatting long distance with a dear friend, I caught myself whining about having too many obligations and not enough time to do the things I’ve set as goals for myself. Read More