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Terri Edmund is a retired innkeeper on Florida’s Suncoast, currently polishing her first novel about a feisty gal born during a hurricane in 1921. In the summer, she camps near the beach in the fishing village of Cortez. During season, she plays flute with the Manatee Community Concert Band. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Terri Edmund

3 years ago

“Back to School” Season is Not Just for Kids… Why Older Adults Are Also Embracing Education Again

Summer’s not nearly over and we’re bombarded with back-to-school ads. It’s an exciting time for school kids – time for new clothes and supplies, for moving up to the next grade and reconnecting with friends. One thing I miss about formal…

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3 years ago

“Planning” for Retirement: Are We Afraid of Free Time?

Yesterday, for the first time in 30 years, I worked a jigsaw puzzle. I was surprised how quickly time passed and the amount of time I spent ignoring my list of “ought tos,” along with my phone, my boyfriend and the great outdoors. I was absorbed…

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4 years ago

Behind the Mask Is a Brand New, Smiling Me

About six months after the ex and I separated, forcing the sale of our business (my job!), I relaunched my real estate career in a new city, surrounded by a smart and attractive team of (much younger) professionals…

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4 years ago

Why Women Over 60 Should Enjoy Friendships with Older People

I once had the pleasure to help celebrate a woman’s 100th birthday – on a cruise vacation no less. She clapped with such joy when the entire dining room chorused Happy Birthday. She blew out her candles with the enthusiasm…

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4 years ago

Home Ownership Levels the Gender Gap for Single Women

According to the National Association of Realtors, single women are the second leading homebuying demographic in the country, right after married couples. In fact, single women make up 17 percent of U.S. homebuyers…

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4 years ago

A Season to Explore the Spiritual: What I Found I Want to Do This Side of 60

I’ve had a blind faith in The Man Upstairs for a long time. I grew up small-town Catholic but knew little about the Bible. Catholics have Catechism, not Bible study. We did not have nuns. We were lucky to share a priest with a triangle…

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4 years ago

When Domestic Violence Hits Close to Home, Signal for Help!

Nothing in my life – barring news of the accidental death of my dad – has twisted me so much as the murder of my hair stylist. She was only 37 and a beautiful spirit. I met her about five years ago, when she was going through a divorce…

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4 years ago

Lassie: The Puppy I Should Have Gotten Years Ago!

Recovering after a surgery, the doctor said the best thing I could do was get up and walk. I started walking way back when I quit smoking, mostly to keep the weight off. I enjoyed walking with my buddies in my old…

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4 years ago

You Can’t Live the Life of Your Dreams If They Aren’t Your Dreams

I signed divorce papers today, ending a 35-year commitment. It’s something I never thought I’d be: twice divorced. But at 60-something, I was looking at an unhappy last third of my life. I’ve been called selfish for choosing…

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4 years ago

Want a Healthy Aging Cure with no Side Effects? Try Meditation!

My 60th year has been the busiest of my life. Before it’s over, I will have moved twice, put the heat to a back-burner passion, refreshed important friendships, picked up a new musical instrument and increased my income by improving my habits. Read More