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Terri Edmund is a retired innkeeper on Florida’s Suncoast, currently polishing her first novel about a feisty gal born during a hurricane in 1921. In the summer, she camps near the beach in the fishing village of Cortez. During season, she plays flute with the Manatee Community Concert Band. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Terri Edmund

6 months ago

Wrong Place, Right Time for Life Lessons

I don’t enjoy driving, especially on crowded Florida roads during tourist season. So, I splurged on my dream car: a neon yellow Chevy Blazer which looks like a bumblebee and makes the chore of driving more fun. I confess, though, I prefer public transportation…

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7 months ago

To Eat or Not Eat… Meat – A Diet After 60 Decision Worth Debating

I grew up eating like a farmer’s daughter, too. I love meat. I know a lot of people don’t eat anything with eyes for personal reasons, and I’m fine with that. But the meat food group often gets a bad rap which, in my opinion, is not fair…

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9 months ago

How to Make Friends with Mother Time by Using These 5 Time Management Hacks

Why is it that time seems to fly now that we’re 60 or 70 or 80? I’m often amazed when a wedding, the death of friend or a move to a new city was 20 or 30 years ago. Heavens, it’s already 2024! What happened to 2023?

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11 months ago

The Art of Sustaining a Happier Frame of Mind

I caught myself dancing in the kitchen this morning as I waited for my coffee to drip. Rain was coming down at about two inches an hour, but it couldn’t drench my mood. I’ve been feeling happy. Really happy. We all know the happy feeling…

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1 year ago

Wipe Out: A Wake-Up Call to Act My Age? 

I confess to a moment of near euphoria as I sped past traffic crawling to the beach. My smile was so big, drivers smiled back as I zipped past on my lime green e-bike – head tucked in a sturdy helmet and my sweetheart following at a safe distance…

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1 year ago

Love Story: How Writing One Can Change Your Life

A few years ago, I decided to interview my mother about her relationship with my deceased dad. Enough time had passed, we shared more funny stories than sad ones. Since we lived 2,000 miles apart, we scheduled an hour most Sunday mornings…

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2 years ago

Forced to Become a Different Person? Take Advantage of the Opportunity

Three ladies were lunching solo at a bar. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it? My quick stop for a bite turned into a leisure lunch as the three of us chatted at Applebee’s counter. I feel very lucky to have the time and means to be a lady…

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2 years ago

Want to Live Longer? Learn to Need People More!

We arrange lunch with pals. We keep a doctor’s appointment and visit the dentist for regular cleanings. We schedule a yoga class and offer to pick up our grandchildren from school. We thank an employee or coworker who has gone the extra mile…

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2 years ago

Facing Our Biggest Fears After 60: Health and Money

When we reach 60, 70 or 80 we are surprised we got here so quickly. We meant to make investment plans and take better care of ourselves along the way. What happened to the last 40 years? It’s scary, this aging thing. Besides time moving…

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2 years ago

It’s Time for a Candid Conversation with Your 80-Year-Old Self

When I turned 60 and decided that I want to live at least 40 more years, I started my 100th Year Project, not knowing how it would change my life. I didn’t realize then that 60 isn’t even considered old: that 65 to 75 is young old, 75 to 85 old…

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