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Dr. Tammi Kaeberlein is a scientist, working in the field of aging biology. She’s also the owner and author of Wander Healthy, a travel and lifestyle blog that provides practical tips, inspiration, and motivation to move more, so that you can adventure as far and as long as you want to.

Latest Posts By Tammi Kaeberlein

6 months ago

How to Expand and Grow Your Social Circle

Everyone needs a supportive circle of friends, right? They bring new opportunities, emotional support (sometimes in the form of freshly baked brownies), and improve one’s everyday quality of life. Finding or growing your social circle can be a challenge…

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7 months ago

Technology Tales: DEXA Scan, More than Bone Density

A DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan is well-known and highly regarded for its detailed assessments of bone health. Most of us have heard of it, and many have had one. But there’s far more to a scan than bone density…

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8 months ago

6 Wonderful Places to Visit in Washington State

With gorgeous landscapes from the Pacific coastline to the North Cascade mountains, Washington State offers a delightful array of activities for every interest. I’ve lived here for over 30 years and am still amazed by the endless opportunities…

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9 months ago

7 Unique Ideas to Make 2024 Different

Have you ever made a resolution you didn’t keep? I know I have. Maintaining resolutions can be challenging. Research suggests that around 8% to 10% of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Does it stop you from making resolutions?

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10 months ago

Technology Tales – the Continuous Glucose Monitor

In the realm of health and wellness, new tech is always emerging to provide insight into our inner workings. One such innovation that has gained popularity, and some controversy, is the continuous glucose monitor (CGM)…

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12 months ago

8 Incredible Places to See the Northern Lights This Winter

Have you ever seen the Northern Lights in person? I saw them frequently growing up in Fairbanks, Alaska, and, sadly, I mostly took them for granted. Sure, I found them absolutely mesmerizing even then, but I didn’t realize how privileged…

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1 year ago

4 Habits to Kick to Feel Younger

I am not young. Yet I’m not old either. I don’t feel old. And yet many of my same-age peers do. I do, however, feel the impact that society has on people over the age of 50. On the habits we’ve developed, in particular…

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1 year ago

5 Wonderful Reasons and Ways to Keep Moving

I met an amazing older couple in the lounge at the airport in Hawaii once. The two were enjoying a beer in between flights and clearly having a fantastic time. They were lively, hilarious, and full of fun stories…

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1 year ago

7 Perfect U.S. Cities for an Inexpensive, Relaxing Getaway

A vacation centered around peace, quiet, and relaxation is often the very best kind of getaway. It can give you a break from everyday stresses, time for introspection and disconnecting from constant stimulation, and make space for rest and rejuvenation…

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1 year ago

Anti-Aging and Longevity Drug? What Studies Say About Rapamycin

The first time that I heard of the drug rapamycin was in the year 2000, when my dad just barely survived heart transplant surgery. Miraculously though, he did, and his doctors gave him rapamycin to prevent his body from rejecting his new heart. He’s been on rapamycin, or a very similar drug, ever since. What […]

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