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T. Kari Mitchell (TK), founder of Lifestyle 120, is an Inspired Aging Motivational Speaker & Integrative Wellness Coach. TK is dedicated to helping mature women flourish. Her Sprout Your New Life course provides women with tools to reclaim their health, confidence, purpose, and power so they can rock their golden years. Connect with TK at

Latest Posts By T. Kari Mitchell

1 year ago

Yes, You Can Learn “New Tricks” and Be Powerful at Any Age!

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Does the underlying message have any significance in real life? I recently read several articles that referenced this saying, and they both struck…

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1 year ago

Open the Door to More by Creating Positive Change

Each season offers fresh opportunities to begin anew. And because this past year has been incredibly challenging due to the pandemic, many people are welcoming positive change and a better future. What positive shifts are you working on?

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2 years ago

5 Surprising Things I Learned About Myself After Starting a Business in My 60s

If you have been thinking about starting your dream business, declare that this is the year to develop your plan and move your idea forward. When many women approach midlife and beyond, they sometimes allow…

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2 years ago

Are You in a Rut? Get Off Your Buts!        

Although “procrastinate” is a verb, it lacks action and commitment. Nothing ever gets done by procrastinating. How much time have you spent preparing to take action? Days? Months? Years? What are you waiting for? No more excuses!

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2 years ago

Live Your Life Like a Trapeze Artist

Are you at a crossroads in your life? Are you stuck in a challenging season and wondering what the future holds? You may be experiencing a “trapeze moment” — a time when you’re hanging on to what’s familiar and just swinging along, day after day…

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2 years ago

How to Match Your Service Choices with Your Higher Purpose

Most people want to live happy, productive lives. One way to create a life worth living is to share your joy and passion with others, through service. Studies have shown that giving back contributes to better health. Volunteering…

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2 years ago

The Spiritual Gardener’s Guide to Growing Your Dream

What dream do you still have tucked away in your heart that you would like to realize? Just thinking about your dream won’t bring it to fruition. You have to plant the seed for your prize, nourish it, caress it, and allow space for it to bloom. In other words, you must set a positive […]

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3 years ago

Swap New Year Resolutions for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes That Focus on Spiritual Principles

At the beginning of each year, many people make lofty health and wellness goals and are disappointed when they have trouble keeping their promises. It can be super frustrating to have high expectations about achieving lifestyle goals only to see them…

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3 years ago

6 Mindful Strategies to Begin and End Your Day with Positivity and Purpose

Have you ever wondered how to sustain feelings of joy and peace? What are the long-term advantages of living life affirmatively? Mindset and attitude are critical. Your thoughts and words have power and can help set the tone…

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3 years ago

Reach Higher: A Four-Step Process to Facilitate Positive Change

Initiating positive pivots can be challenging and requires commitment and planning. Has the pandemic caused you to make shifts in your daily habits? How’s it going? Changes that have staying power are the ones we have personally invested in…

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