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Suzanne Blons, The Beauty Shaman, has been in the beauty industry for nearly 40 years. A former Revlon Charlie Girl, she is now a professional makeup artist and has worked with such luminaries as Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and Arianna Huffington. Today, Suzanne shares her beauty secrets on her YouTube channel, The Beauty Shaman. Check out her store, blog, coaching, and beauty courses.

Latest Posts By Suzanne Blons

1 year ago

Look Your Best with Beginner Makeup for Women Over 60

Tamara is a retired Environmental Protection Policy and Operations professional and moved to Ecuador about seven years ago. In her male dominated career, she felt it best to maintain a buttoned-up look with short hair and little makeup…

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1 year ago

Beginner Makeup Over 70

Sandy has lived in Ecuador for 9.5 years. We happen to live in the same neighborhood and met one day as I was headed to buy some vegetables at the local tienda (store). Her cute little Shih Tzu ran up to me, jumping up and down as if I were an old friend…

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1 year ago

Using Makeup to Lift Our Spirits (Gray Hair Tutorial)

Martha cried as she sat in the makeup chair in my home studio, wiping away the tears that came so easily. Her husband doesn’t have long left, and she is his main caretaker. The challenge and grief were evident, as well as her desire to do something positive…

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1 year ago

How to do Makeup on Mixed Undertone Skin

What do you do when you have, say, warm or golden undertones in one area of your face, and cool or blue undertones on your jawline, or any mixture of this? Or maybe you have melasma and find it hard to cover skin discolorations?

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2 years ago

6 Beauty Trends in 2023 for Mature Women That You Will Love

Most fashion and beauty trends are weird. The older you get, the weirder they look. If you’re anything like me, every season I sit back and roll my eyes that anyone would get suckered into wearing THAT look. Having said that missive, passive-aggressive…

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2 years ago

How to Brighten Sallow Skin in Mature Women

We often think of aging as diminishing, and nothing could be further from the truth. Our spirits, hearts, minds, and skin can brighten and become more fabulous as shown in the below video with my vibrant friend Laura…

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2 years ago

5 Minute Rosey Makeup for Cold Weather

It’s cold, but you still want to be cute. Icicles are hanging off the car, and you only have five minutes to get your girlie on while the car heater blasts and you finish getting ready. What do you do? What are the most important parts of makeup to focus…

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2 years ago

Holiday Red Lipstick Makeup Look for Women over 60

I love the 1940s, where the style for women was a red lip, classic twirl hairdo, Mary Janes, skirts, and tidy jackets. Red lipstick, though, is more a challenge to pull off as you get older because it can easily make you look like a garish tramp…

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2 years ago

Drug Store Smokey Eye for Mature Skin (VIDEO)

She’s 72, loves a smokey eye, and has her own TV show. I’ve been doing her makeup for 10 years and she’s fabulous. What this shows is no matter what your age, you can wear this look. It can be a tad scary I’ll grant, but in the vein of the perpetual cheerleader…

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2 years ago

How to Change Your Skin Care as the Weather Changes

Have you ever turned on the heat or air conditioning in your house and felt your skin revolt? Maybe the dry, hot, blasting air dried up your face like a prune, or maybe the wet blanket of humidity made your skin drizzle lard?

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