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Steve Juetten is the exit wizard for small to medium size business owners. He’s the secret sauce to supercharge effective and profitable business exits through careful planning and nimble execution. Drawing from the lessons he learned in the sale of his own financial advisor practice, Steve is a go-to collaborator to his fellow entrepreneurs looking to win on the way out.

Latest Posts By Steve Juetten

5 months ago

The 3 Most Difficult Challenges in Selling Your Business

Small business owners often ask what the hardest parts are in selling a business. They ask me if the biggest challenges are finding a new buyer, negotiating sales price, informing clients or customer, or something else. While these tasks are not easy, in my experience the most difficult challenges are: Let’s dive into these to […]

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5 months ago

What Does Success Look Like When You’re Selling Your Business?

Many top business coaches like Ali Brown, Brene Brown, and Stephen Covey suggest you start a project with the end in mind. The same applies to selling your business. Along this line, if I asked you to list goals for selling your business, you might list…

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6 months ago

7 Ways Your Customer Base and Email List May Add Value to Your Business Sale Price

Ever wonder what value a potential buyer might assign to your customer base and email list? Afterall, you’ve spent the lifetime of your business creating a loyal customer base. You’ve worked hard to grow and nurture your email list…

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6 months ago

How to Find Your Business’s Value: Three Approaches

Valuing a business is a complex process, and a single method is rarely used in isolation. While having a rough estimate of the value of your business in the beginning is useful, you’ll ask for a formal valuation from an independent valuation expert later…

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7 months ago

How Much Is My Business Worth?

This is the first question every business owner asks when I talk with anyone about exiting her business. There are two answers: “A business is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it,” and “It depends”…

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7 months ago

5 Steps to Sell Your Business

It may not have been on your mind the day you started your business, but one day you’ll exit it. If you’re at the point in your business life-cycle where you’re starting to think about an exit, selling a business may seem overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be…

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