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Stephanie Raffelock is a journalist, a blogger and an aspiring novelist. In her Sixty and Me column, she explores aging dynamically, living fully and loving well.

Latest Posts By Stephanie Raffelock

7 years ago

5 Things I Learned About Style from 95-Year-Old Iris Apfel

Okay, not so long ago, I didn’t know who Iris Apfel was either. Then I watched a Netflix documentary on the 95-year-old businesswoman, interior designer and fashion icon, and now I can’t stop thinking about her. Read More

7 years ago

You’re Never Too Old to Rock and Roll, Even if You’re Creakier in the Knees!

I love to dance. I can’t dance the way I did in my 20s – all night long, but I still love to dance. Okay, so maybe my moves are a little stiffer than they used to be, but moving to music remains a great joy in my life. Read More

7 years ago

3 Inspirational Women You Need to Know. Number 3 May Surprise You!

Some of the greatest gifts in my life have come from women who stood out as role models, as bright lights of inspiration, beckoning me toward my greater potential. I am grateful for these women. Read More

8 years ago

5 Surprising Life Lessons from My Wonderful Dog

Have you seen that t-shirt, the one that reads “I just want to drink wine and rescue dogs?” I am so there. You could be having the worst day ever and your dog will cheer you up. Read More

8 years ago

3 Ways to Open and Heal a Hardened Heart

Right now, the world often appears upside down and split down the middle. A barrage of politicians tell us that we must land on one side of an issue or another. Upset and righteous ire can take on a self-perpetuating quality and this can harden the heart. Read More

8 years ago

4 Exciting Ways to Show the World You’re Never Too Old to Learn

One of the things that makes my 60s so enjoyable is that I have discovered the fountain of vitality in the form of learning. Learning contributes to the joy and purpose in my life. Each morning I make a cup of tea and go into my office where I study. Read More

8 years ago

10 Ways to Reduce Stress From a Political News Junkie

OK, I did it to myself. I am kind of a news junkie. I like politics and I keep up on current events. Now I am going on a diet – a news diet – because this election season is stickier than pine pitch on a dog. Some of my friends are feeling it too, and a lot of us could use a little stress relief right about now. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind…

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8 years ago

Why I’m Happy My Writing Group Critiques My Work

A lot of the good writing teachers don’t recommend participating in writing critique groups. The ones who do, often offer a list of rules about being in such a group. Read More

8 years ago

6 Steps to Writing a Memory Book

For some, writing a memoir is a cathartic experience, where the struggle and triumph of life’s adversity is laid bare. Read More

8 years ago

7 Simple Steps to Becoming a Writer After 60

Second Chapters. Third Acts. Call it what you will, your sixties are a time to recreate, reclaim and often reinvent yourself. You may be retired or partially so. You did a good job with the kids and they are carving out their own lives now. Maybe you’ve left a marriage and find yourself single again. Read More