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Stephanie Raffelock is a journalist, a blogger and an aspiring novelist. In her Sixty and Me column, she explores aging dynamically, living fully and loving well.

Latest Posts By Stephanie Raffelock

7 months ago

6 Things That Will Motivate You to Exercise After 60

We all know the truth. We’ve heard it hundreds of times: some form of daily or almost daily exercise after 60 will keep both your body and your mind happy. Yet getting into that routine can be challenging…

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8 months ago

Music for the Ages: The Wheel That Makes Life Transitions Bearable

The music of my youth was more than melody and words. It was a kind of guidance into adult life, a soundtrack for thoughts and feelings that I didn’t know how to reach on my own but were given to me by the likes of Carole King, Joni Mitchell…

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9 months ago

Exploring the Places That Live in our Memories

Sometimes there are things that we don’t even notice are gone. And other times, we see the translucent outline of what once was, because of the history it embodies, because of the story it keeps alive in us. The past informs who we are…

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9 months ago

5 Breakfast Ideas That Will Energize Your Day

The biggest chemical reaction that your body experiences in a day is from the food that you put into it. Therefore, quality counts. And so does the very first thing that you eat each day. Eating a healthy breakfast does two things…

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12 months ago

Ageism and the Fitness Clothing Industry

Most people, if not everyone, recognize the benefits of exercise. An entire industry has been built around promoting proactive health, with both food and drug commercials emphasizing diet and exercise…

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1 year ago

Think You’re Not Creative? Think Again!

There are so many great things about being a woman of this certain age – what stretches out in front of us are our most creative years. Every woman is creative. There is always something that she is doing that is steeped in creative process…

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1 year ago

3 Powerful Ways to Write Your Life Story

If I were to title this decade of my sixties, I would call it Reclamation. These years continue to reveal themselves as a time of taking to heart the things I thought I lost, or broken. As I’ve gathered these things to me I’ve come to find that nothing…

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1 year ago

6 Ways to Overcome the Betrayal of the Body After 60

In my mind and heart I still feel like I can do what I did when I was 30. But it’s just not true. I hung up my tennis shoes a decade ago because the discs in my back are degenerating and they won’t take the pounding anymore. My body has betrayed me…

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2 years ago

How to Bounce Back from Failure After 60

I know J.K. Rowling’s story by heart – the young, impoverished single mother who stayed true to her writing dream in the face of a failed marriage and what she saw as a failed career choice. The urgency of her situation turned her desire…

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2 years ago

8 Guilty Pleasures that Make the Holidays Even More Fun

I swear to you that I am not a bah, humbug kind of person. In fact, I love the holidays, and one of the things that I most look forward to is that business slows, relatives eventually go home and I have hit every bullet point on my Christmas “To-Do” list…

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